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Jon Fleischman

From Western CPAC

Yesterday and today is the annual Western Conservative Political Action Conference in Newport Beach, California. Hundreds of people have gathered from the western states to hear from panelists on a myriad of great topics. Last night the main speakers were Congressman Tom McClintock and reknown pollster Scott Rasmussen. As I write this blog post, Bruce Herschensohn is addressing the Western CPAC luncheon. Since I want to get back to hearing his remarks, I’ll end this short blog post with some video — a short interview I conducted with McClintock last evening…

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Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Helm on Fiorina v Boxer…

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

CCPOA: “Bobblehead Meg”

So I’ve been catching up on my e-mails — and had a chance to watch the creative "Bobblehead Meg" video from the Calfiornia Correctional Peace Officers Association. The state prison guard union is supporting Jerry Brown for Governor (shocking!). That said, they did up a very entertaining web video that is actually worth sharing — we love creative stuff, even if we don’t always agree with the message…

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Duane Dichiara

The Parker-Spitzer Show

So I flicked the tv on to CNN today (doubling their market share in the Sacramento market). Boy, can you imagine the outcry if a Fox personality literally spoke in ethnic or regional accents to imply idiocy? Both Parker and Spitzer did it, more than once, and thought it was a real gas.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Breaking: Sweetwater Schools using public funds to promote Ricasa during re-election?

In the midst of a re-election challenge, Sweetwater Union High School District (SUHSD) President Arlie Ricasa is receiving significant positive name recognition from a taxpayer-funded public relations effort, paid by Sweetwater schools.

Ironically, the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) confirmed yesterday it would investigate a complaint filed on September 20, 2010, against Ricasa for alleged improprieties associated with using funds raised for her current campaign to retire debt from a prior election. Ricasa was a candidate for the 78th State Assembly District two years ago, losing to eventual general election winner Marty Block in the 2008 Democratic primary contest.

The Union-Tribune ran a story about the FPPC complaint today. Attached is the full complaint.

Yet, what the FPPC complaint and UT story do not address may be even more significant, while equal cause… Read More

Jon Fleischman

SD1 Special Election: How Do You Define “Leadership” When Facing The Largest Tax Increase In State History?

Last week on his well-regarded California’s Capitol blog FR friend Greg Lucas (who covered the policy and politics of the State Capitol as a correspondent for the San Francisco Chronicle for nearly two decades) took the opportunity to write about some of the politics of the State Senate race in California’s First District. Due to the unfortunate passing of Senator Dave Cox (who ultimately lost a long battle fighting cancer) there is a special election taking place to fill that seat – a Republican seat. There are three GOP candidates running – two sitting Assemblymembers, Roger Niello and Ted Gaines, and one former Assemblymember, Barbara Alby, who is currently serving as an appointed Acting Member of the Board of Equalization (she lost her bid for the GOP nomination for the 2nd BOE District last June).

To be more specific, Lucas posted up a mail piece (see it below this paragraph) sent out by the Gaines for Senate campaign, drawing a sharp contrast between Gaines and Niello on two major votes – the 2007 state budget (which increased the size of the state budget by $10… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

The 2011 Tax Quiz

Last week, I promised you an opportunity to gauge your understanding of the consequences of Congress failing to extend current tax rates before the year ends. Well, below you will find a short multiple choice quiz to assist you in testing that understanding. Good luck!

1) Currently there is no Death Tax. However, on January 1, 2011, the Death Tax will come back at a rate of:

a) 55% of all family assets over $1 million. (This is not indexed for inflation, so the "value" of that $1 million exemption will drop over time.) b) 45% of family assets over $3.5 million. (Indexed for inflation.) c) Zero, if you are a member of a government employee union; and 95% if you are not. d) Death will be made illegal, and will be punishable by confiscation of all assets of those who violate the law. e) Your tax will be inversely proportional to your global warming carbon footprint.

2) Currently, the highest individual tax rate on dividend income received from a corporation is 15%. This is after the corporation has paid 35% tax on the income before paying the dividend. So, under currentRead More

James V. Lacy

Carla Marinucci: Demand Sterling Clifford, “The Liar”, disclose Brown money

The Stamford Advocate of Stamford, Connecticut reported just a few hours ago that Jerry Brown spokesman, Sterling “The Liar” Clifford apparently announced to the Connecticut press that Jerry Brown will have a $5,000 a plate fundraiser Thursday (tomorrow) night in West Hollywood sponsored by Hollywood’s David Geffen. People who pay $25,000 will have a “private reception” with Brown. We herein call on the San Francisco Chronicle’s ace political reporter, Carla Marinucci, who is a Jerry Brown flunky, to demand that The Liar disclose the name of everyone attending the $25,000 private reception by 5 pm tomorrow. That way, Carla Marinucci can have yet another chance to show she is not just another Jerry Brown flunky, and actually help the public assess the Brown campaign’s finances.… Read More

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