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Barry Jantz

Your Nine Days Out Campaign Advice

What would you typically do on Sunday, if you weren’t campaigning?

So, what’s your excuse today?

Even while in the midst of a campaign, always make time for your family, and always take the time to thank God for your blessings, including the fact that you have the right to seek public office.


All of Barry’s enlightening advice…and other posts. _Read More

James V. Lacy

Marinucci and Sterling Clifford “The Liar” to Rule Roost?

I was more than bummed out to see that Jerry Brown is 13 points ahead in the latest polls. I will be sure to help Meg Whitman every way I can with my slate cards, more of a contribution than a few of my conservative colleagues are willing to do. But sadly the thought of another Jerry Brown administration is starting to take hold. I don’t mind Jerry that much. I was around when he got that Howard Jarvis endorsement in 1978 and I know of a few skeletons in the closet that will never come out about that endorsement. He did help implement Prop. 13, though he was a stinker during the election.

I admire Meg Whitman’s accomplishments. I think she is a class act.

But what really kills me is the idea of Sterling Clifford, “The Liar,” being Jerry’s spokesman. Sterling’s most recent political job was serving as the chief flak for a Mayor of Baltimore that was convicted of felonious stealing of funds while in office, such funds intended for welfare recipients.

Sterling has lied and lied during this campaign as Jerry Brown’s spokesman. He lied about Meg Whitman, he lied about organizations, he lied… Read More

Ray Haynes

Is She Throwing It Away?

I realize I am not the smartest political strategist around, but I have a question? Why, in a year where conservative issues are transcendant, conservative activists are energized, and conservative voters just can’t wait to vote, would a candidate run around the state trying to prove she is not a conservative? Do you think there is a reason why Meg Whitman seems to be falling apart, and Carly Fiorina is on the rise? Wouldn’t it be an interesting commentary on the "traditional" wisdom of the political intelligentsia in California if the conservative Fiorina won, and the "moderate" Whitman lost?

I want to make sure I am not misunderstood. I don’t want Whitman to lose. I have already voted, and I voted for her. But, to be honest, I was in the voting booth, and thought twice about it. And trust me, if I thought twice about it, there are a lot of conservatives who will just walk away. In fact, it is my opinion that Whitman can still win this, but it will be because conservatives like Fiorina and Senator Mimi Walters are in the race, so conservatives will turn out to vote for them, and then… Read More

James V. Lacy

Pre-election Potpourri

In no particular order: I’m gratified the SF Giants beat the Phillies tonight, especially because as a result I won a 6-1 bet placed legally at the sports book at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas four months ago, when tonight reliever Brian Wilson earned a questionable called strike three to get the save tonight and win the pennant. I’ll use the $600 I won right after the election to entertain conservative cronies at The Foundation Room in Vegas at an after election dinner. Our Western CPAC was a huge success last weekend in Newport Beach, and main speaker, pollster Scott Rasmussen, got us two days of national press on The Drudge Report with his prediction of over 50 Republican pickups in the Congress. Thanks to Newport Beach Councilman Keith Curry for stopping by, who joined six Congressmen – five from Ca and one from Utah! Special thanks to Jon Fleischman and my long time friend Congressman Darrell Issa for much suport and a great speech from Issa! I enjoyed a 12 minute shot on the KTTV Channel 11 news last Saturday night after Western CPAC, debating liberal Jamie Court on the Insurance Commissioner election. So cool to level liberals.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

More Election Mail Fun

I am currently enjoying a mail piece called the Democrat[ic] Election Education Guide. [Italics and brackets by me]by the Election Education Guide folks of Burbank, a slate mailer group. It has a picture of an owl on the address side,the mailer isa real hoot.

It features every statewide candidate and proposition endorsed by the CA Dem Party, Firefighters, Nurses, Teachers and College Professors. [I love that lastpart, are Dem voters really turned on to what college professors think politically? really? funny!]

It has the entire slate of statewide Dems from US Senatethru that ‘non-partisan’ Superintendant of Public Indoctri…er Instruction. The laser printed portion that is specific to our area has the Dem’s listed for BOE, Congress, State Senate,[awww, they didn’tpick me] and another funny, for Assembly, "No Democrat in your district"on the ballot. Yeah, I guess it isn’t an unbiased mail piece butan "Education Guide" to getDems turned out. OK,fair… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Political Ad on US Debt to China

Wow–a hard-hitting ad from Citizens Against Government Waste. Worth watching.

/>… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

The Dems Sleazy Campaign Against Villines & Maldonado

One of the most maddening set of ads this political campaign season are the ads the Democrats are running against Mike Villines and Abel Maldonado.Both men were key Republican votes for last year’s budget in which Governor Schwarzenegger and the Democratic legislative leaders choose to raise taxes rather than make tough spending cuts.According to an email that I just received from Democrat Dave Jones (who clearly purchased or was given a GOP list), Villines raised our taxes $14 billion. Republican voters don’t need Dave Jones and Gavin Newsom to tell us what Villines and Maldonado did last year.We know. What we need Dave Jones and Gavin Newsom to tell us is the truth:that the Governor and their party supported and encouraged Villines and Maldonado to change their positions and cast that vote.I know that no one held a gun to their head but the pressure “to do the right thing and pass a budget” was great.And I’m … Read More

Meredith Turney

David Zucker Produces Hilarious Barbara Boxer Video

David Zucker, the man behind such hits as “Airplane” and the “Naked Gun” series, is using his comedic genius to take on Barbara “Don’t call me ma’am” Boxer in a hilarious new video. On Andrew Breitbart’s Big Hollywood web site today, Zucker explained that after watching Boxer’s arrogant dressing-down of Brigadier GeneralWalsh during a committee hearing last year, he was mortified that he had ever supported Boxer. Read the rest of his blog here.

It’s refreshing and encouraging to see so many talented individuals in Hollywood are waking up to the truth and embracing conservative principles—despite potential backlash among their peers. Thanks to the boldness of people like Andrew Breitbart and David Zucker, more and more of those in the entertainment industry can openly share their political beliefs.

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