Posted by Ray Haynes at 12:00 am on Oct 24, 2010 7 Comments
I realize I am not the smartest political strategist around, but
I have a question? Why, in a year where conservative issues
are transcendant, conservative activists are energized, and
conservative voters just can’t wait to vote, would a candidate run
around the state trying to prove she is not a conservative?
Do you think there is a reason why Meg Whitman seems to be falling
apart, and Carly Fiorina is on the rise? Wouldn’t it be an
interesting commentary on the "traditional" wisdom of the political
intelligentsia in California if the conservative Fiorina won, and
the "moderate" Whitman lost?
I want to make sure I am not misunderstood. I don’t want
Whitman to lose. I have already voted, and I voted for
her. But, to be honest, I was in the voting booth, and
thought twice about it. And trust me, if I thought twice
about it, there are a lot of conservatives who will just walk
away. In fact, it is my opinion that Whitman can still win
this, but it will be because conservatives like Fiorina and Senator
Mimi Walters are in the race, so conservatives will turn out to
vote for them, and then… Read More