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Jon Fleischman

MSM calls Gov. race for Brown, Senate race for Boxer….

There is America, and then apparently there is California. Despite hiccups from the Secretary of State’s website, everyone in the media (AP, FNC, CapWeekly, SacBee, and more) are calling the Governor’s race for Jerry Brown, and the U.S. Senate race for Barbara Boxer. Blech.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

An Election Day Warning To Republicans: Beware Mercenary Slate Cards!

Election day is finally here – the end of what has been one of the most tumultuous and unpredictable election seasons that I can recall. My election day column issues a cautionary note to Republican voters – actually, more than that – a warning. While there are not nearly as many so-called “slate cards” dropping in year’s general election as we saw in the primary, there are still a good number – and this year we have seen a rise in Mercenary Slates that are pretending to have some sort of Republican pedigree, when the reality is apparently far from the truth. I use the term “Mercenary Slates” to describe slate cards that have defining ideology or commitment to actual Republican positions on the issues. The vendors of these faux-GOP slates are mercenaries, looking to make money while advancing causes that are counter to that of the Republican Party, and voters should not be fooled. Especially while these folks hide behind the false rhetoric of saying, “But we featured the GOP ticket…” That is a false argument since voters looking to support statewide GOP candidates… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Election Night Results

Later on tonight, after the polls close in California, we’ll be doing some blogging here on the results. In the meantime, polls are closing back east and I find that I am looking at both the Politico and National Journal websites.

I am already tweeting so you can see that here.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Day Zero, A Giant Day For California

The only poll that counts is the one counted tonight.

Given the states registration numbers and hyper-gerrymandered districts, we won’t like see the same wave as what we are hoping for from across the country. However, the first job of keeping the seats we have to ‘hold’ as Republicans looks very good, with up to 2 pickups on the Assembly side and par on the State Senate, though one or par is more likely in the Assembly too, given late developments if polls can be believed.

In SD 12, the Jeff Denham seat, I was very impressed as to how our nominee Anthony Cannella and his operation was doing having spent the last 2 days there, walking and knocking in Modesto. He’s a great candidate, will be a great Senator and I think a new favorite, as I got to know him better during the walks. Kudos to Asm. and [incoming Senator], Tom Berryhill for all the hard workby his team in helping this neighboring district. It was great to join with he and Anthony for part of our precinct walks. And much praise for all the staff volunteers who have traveled to Modesto, Merced, Salinas, etc. The hard… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO – CRP Victory Party — Before The Action Starts…

Take a quick tour of the main ballroom here at the Irvine Hyatt Hotel, site of the California Republican Party’s Victory Night Celebration. This short video will show you the view from the podium at which, later tonight, Carly Fiorina will address supporters and the public — and we also harass some television reporters! Check it out… (Image may be grainy for a little while until You Tube processes the download.)Read More

Meredith Turney

Schwarzenegger: The Sore Winner

One of the cardinal principles of sportsmanship is to be a gracious winner. Every kid in little league is told to be kind and considerate to the fellow players they just bested in a competition. Apparently that principle is something that Arnold Schwarzenegger either 1) was not taught or 2) doesn’t care to follow.

This morning the governor issued the obligatory congratulatory press release praising the San Francisco Giants’ World Series win. But he didn’t stop at simply congratulating his state’s winning baseball team: he went on to attack the home state of the defeated Texas Rangers. Schwarzenegger used his press release to not only do some inappropriate campaigning against Proposition 23, he attacked Texas for having “dirty oil companies”.

"The San Francisco Giants defeated the Texas Rangers tonight, just like California voters are going toRead More

Jon Fleischman

SD1: Niello Should Publicly Reject Support of California Teachers Association

If I had to rank-order public employee union bosses from evil to less so, clearly on the top of the list you would have to put the California Teachers Association. Like all of the other unions they have a voracious appetite for pursuing the "standard" trio of union goals: higher wages and benefits for their members, job security for their members, and the creation of new public employee positions that are members of their union.

That said, the CTA is particularly awful because they pursue this pro-public labor agenda under the banner that somehow all of this is somehow "better for children" and helps kids to have a better education. For anyone who wants to understand how hurtful teachers union bosses can be, go see the movie Waiting for Superman, which illustrates quite well the road blocks that teachers unions put up to keep bad teachers around. Bottom line: a good teacher can make the world of difference for child, and a bad teacher can do the opposite. But the CTA protects and defends all teachers, as if they are all of equal ability.

Anyways, a friend of mine who lives in Senate District 1 just sent me a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Next Scandal: Part-Time Elected Officials Pulling Down Full-Time Benefits

How many employers out there in the private sector provide Cadillac healthcare benefits to their part time employees? The answer, of course, is virtually none. Welcome to the “good life” of many part-time local elected officials…

As economic times have gotten extremely tough in the private sector, a lot of attention has been paid to the gold-plated salaries and benefits going to many public employees at both the state and local levels. Whether it extreme defined benefit retirement plans that in many instances (especially for public safety employees) to retire making more money than they did when they worked, or salaries that are no longer comparable to the private sector which has seen so many reductions with the economic recession) or just the fact that those in government have not had to face the kinds of layoffs and unemployment issues.

While these important issues have started to dominate discussions in the public square, one of the issues that is about to… Read More

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