Connie Conway Elected Assembly Republican Leader
Earlier this afternoon, at a meeting of the incoming Assembly Republicans (which is to say retiring "seniors" were not there, and incoming but-not-yet-sworn-in freshman were) — a change in leadership took place. Assembly Republicans elected Connie Conway of the Central Valley as their new leader. Conway was just re-elected to her second term on Tuesday.
It is not unusual to see a change in legislative leadership when seats (or in this case a seat) are lost in an election. Garrick will have been one of the shorter-tenured leaders, having been elected to his post earlier in the year.
Conway made an attempt to displace Garrick during the state budget drill, which was not successful. Subsequently Garrick released her ("you’re fired!") from her role as Caucus Chairman. While we don’t know who the new Caucus Chairman will be, it’s a safe bet it won’t be Garrick…
Senate Republican Leader Bob Dutton is secure in his… Read More