California GOP Wikileaks
With the controversy swirling around the sensitive document posted on the Wikileaks website, I couldn’t help but wonder where the California GOP Wikileaks page is. These are questions that I would like to see the documentation around. 1.How much did Whitman consultant Mike Murphy net? For that matter what did all of the Whitman team net? 2.What expenditures of funds did the Whitman team NOT fund? When you spend the kind of millions she did you have to wonder what was rejected. 3.What were the results of the promised Whitman lie dictator test about her illegal alien maid? While we are on that topic, what consultants knew about themaid issue and when? And who gave the order to fire her instead of hire the best immigration attorney in town and ask if she wanted a villa in her home country with a view of the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean ? For the record when I met with Meg Whitman she didn’t offer me a sandwich either. See Question… Read More