What Jerry said and didn’t say
The media seems to be salivating over comments Jerry made about Prop 13. But for those of us who take threats to Prop 13 very, very seriously, weprefer to digest and parse what was actually said.
First, Jerry Brown did NOT say he wanted to repeal Prop 13 or anything close to that. In fact, he said that Prop 13 is not the problem. His point was that state government consolidated its power (to the detriment of local governments) after Prop 13. It is our view that Prop 13 did not cause this and we have several arguments in support of our position. (As it relates to education spending, the Serrano series of court opinionswas the primary — if not sole — cause of transferring power to Sacramento).
But if Jerry wants to talk about giving locals more control, that is a worthy discussion. Many fiscal conservatives — ourselves included — … Read More