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BOE Member George Runner

Brown budget bad for jobs

Once again Californians are confronted with a huge budget crisis. The fact is for too many years we’ve been spending more money than we should. More money has been going out than revenues coming in.

The real answer to this problem isn’t about how much we can cut. The real answer is getting Californians back to work.

We can solve our budget problem and the best way to do that is by getting Californians jobs, not by raising taxes.

Watch a video of my budget comments here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today Gov. Brown Will Label Proposed New Taxes To Be Extensions Of Existing Taxes — Wrong.

At roughly eleven o’clock this morning, Governor Jerry Brown is expected to hold a press conference and release his proposed state budget for the 2011-2012 fiscal year. Presumably he will also present his proposed revisions to the current budget, which is significantly out of balance. It has been widely reported that Brown will include in his proposal for the 2011-2012 budget placing on the ballot increases in the state’s income tax, alternative minimum tax, sales and use taxes, and an increase in the vehicle license fee.

These tax increases should be a non-starter, and Republicans (rightly so) are already strongly united against putting them forward to voters. It is worth noting that these very same tax increases were placed before voters in a special election in May of 2009 and rejected by almost a two-thirds margin. The fact that Brown would even introduce such an idea represents a bit of hubris from the Democrat Party. You see, it has been decades of liberal policies that have placed California government in such a precarious position. Not only have liberal-dominated legislatures continued to ratchet up spending… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Statement on Governor Brown’s Budget Proposal

While Jerry Brown campaigned for office with promises of doing things differently, the reality is that today he has demonstrated that he is just another tax and spend Democrat. To ask lawmakers to put what would be the largest tax increase in the history of California on the ballot — and to have the hubris to ask working Californians in the midst of a recession to approve them, exhibits an amazing tone-deafness by Governor Brown. In principle it is unfair to increase taxes on California’s families and businesses to offset decades of overspending by liberal politicians. As a practical matter, voters rejected these very same taxes proposed for a two-year duration (let alone five) just two years ago, and last November voters rejected ballot measures that would raise taxes as well. Brown assumes that voters are either dumb or gullible — as he uses a “Washington Monument” scheme to try to put a gun to the heads of the electorate. The fact remains that Californians are among the highest taxed people in the nation, yet that doesn’t seem to provide enough tax revenue to feed the voracious appetite for spending of Capitol Democrats. The cynicism and… Read More

Barry Jantz

The most tragic of ironies

News reports indicate a neighbor of nine-year-old Christina Taylor Green of Tucson was going to Congresswoman Garbrielle Giffords’ event yesterday morning and invited the youngster to come along. Christina had just been elected to the student council at her school and was interested in politics and public service.

Christina was born on September 11, 2001, and her mother says she believes it symbolic of her daughter’s patriotism.

My daugher is also nine and other than knowing I was elected to city council until she was five, hasn’t expressed much of an interest in politics. I’m okay with that, either way.

Yet, reading about that littlevictim, I not only thought about my daughter, but it hit me. The thought of a little girl just elected to her student council. The purest and most innocent expression of representative government, coming face to face with the darkest, sickest form of lashing out against it.

The most tragic of ironies.

###… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Sacramento Bee, Which Frequently Endorses Tax Increases, Belittles Legislators Who Pledge To Oppose Them

It should really come as no surprise to even the least-seasoned politico that the Sacramento Bee’s editorial board in a sharply penned column today trashes Americans for Tax Reform and their well-regarded no-new-taxes pledge. After all, the Bee’s large editorial board, doesn’t have even one Republican on it — not even a moderate one. This is the same Sacramento Bee editorial page that frequently calls on state legislators to — you guessed it — raise your taxes!

The accusation made in the Bee’s stinging attack on ATR, the pledge, and its President Grover Norquist, is that somehow that they are trying to dictate policy from across the country — admonishing pledge signing legislators that, "…they need to decide whether their allegiance to a demagogue 3,000 miles away trumps their allegiance to California and its citizens."

Give me a break. It is very clear in reading the editorial that ATR and Norquist are the "straw man" — and that in reality the liberal Sacramento Bee Editorial… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Could it be true? Have legislators been silent on Arnold Schwarzenegger commutation of Estaban Nunez?

FR friend Jim Boren, the very opinionated Editorial Page Editor over at the Fresno Bee just penned a new column in which he talks about the big challenge that Governor Brown will have trying to achieve his budget deal (especially the part about asking the voters to tax themselves) given the political morass (my words) that is Sacramento. Here is an excerpt from the piece…

As we just saw in several highly publicized instances, the well-connected still get special deals. The former Assembly speaker traded some of his political capital for a reduction in the sentence of his son in a troubling murder case. Termed-out lawmakers got cushy appointments to six-figure state jobs that they don’t even have to show up for. In addition, the same legislative leadership remains in charge today.Read More

Barry Jantz

SDDT: DeMaio Files for Mayor Run in San Diego

From the San Diego Daily Transcript

DeMaio files for mayoral runBy ELIZABETH MALLOY, The Daily Transcript

San Diego City Councilmember Carl DeMaio has filed the paperwork to run for mayor in the 2012 election, but downplayed the move in a written statement.

“Fixing the city’s pension and budget problems are my top priorities, and if running for mayor will advance fiscal reform of our city, I will do it," he wrote. "As I weigh this decision whether to run, I will be spending the next several weeks talking to supporters and listening to residents across our city to seek their advice and ideas.

"Since I’m actively considering and discussing a possible race for mayor, I have filed a ‘Candidate Intention’ form with the City Clerk’s office as required by law," he added.

DeMaio is the first person to file the paperwork for the nextRead More

Jon Fleischman

Americans For Tax Reform Speaks Out Against Putting Massive Tax Increase On Ballot

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