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BOE Member George Runner

Celebrating Ronald Reagan Day

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BOE Member George Runner

The Governor has it backwards

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Jon Fleischman

GOPers Who Attended Rally Against IHSS Cuts Are Firm In Their Resolve Against Raising Taxes To Correct Budget Imbalance

Last week three Assemblymen spoke at a rally against proposed cuts in the state’s In Home Supportive Services program. This wouldn’t be unusual, as members of the legislature often speak at such rallies, except that in this case, the three legislators were Republicans Brian Nestande, Paul Cook and Jim Silva. It is not a frequent occurrence that GOPers speak at such events, and of course it is especially notable when the state is in the middle of fiscal crisis, with a projected gap between tax income and state government spending upwards of $20 billion in the next 18 months.

Governor Brown’s proposed budget includes plugging a big part of that mega-difference with a five-year extension of massive tax increases that took place in 2009, and were billed as "temporary" at the time. In 2009, the legislature (or to be more specific, every Democrat and six Republicans) voted as part of a budget deal with former Governor Schwarzenegger to pass increases in the state sales, income and car taxes. Because of a campaign promise made by Brown to take any proposed tax increases to the public for a vote, which takes a 2/3… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arrests, Rudeness Dominate Common Cause Rally Against Free Market Ideas

As I reported on Friday, the left was bloviating hot air well in advance of the Koch brother’s conference in the Desert where successful and civic-minded Americans convened this weekend to discuss such dubious topics as job creation and reigning in government spending. Well the weekend has come and gone and with it a protest brought to us by Common Cause, the Courage Campaign, Code Pink, Ruckus, and of course labor unions.

The protest resulted in 25 arrests and attacked libertarians and conservatives with a lot of the typical rhetoric we see from the left. But as we learned this morning from Jen Rubin over at the Washington Post’s Right Turn Blog the hypocrisy on display yesterday was even worse that I originally predicted in this post last week.

Rubin reports:

Showing no concern for the new civility push that followed the Arizona massacre, aRead More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Assembly Repubican Leader Responds To Governor Brown’s State Of The State Address

Assembly Republican Leader Connie Conway from CA Assembly GOP on Vimeo.


Hello, I’m Assembly Republican Leader Connie Conway. As Californians, we are blessed to live in a state that in many ways is the best in the world. Yet we also face challenges that threaten both our way of life, and the future of our beloved state. Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Senate Repubican Leader Responds To Governor Brown’s State Of The State Address

FULL TEXT I came to Sacramento with the hope of solving problems and making California prosperous again.

I am encouraged that Governor Brown seems genuinely committed to solving the significant challenges our state faces.

California has the second highest unemployment rate in the nation – now at 12.5 percent – and we continue to deal with a budget crisis that this year alone stands at $28 billion.

I applaud the governor for his no-nonsense approach to California’s challenges. For example, although mostly symbolic, he’s right to takeRead More

Jon Fleischman

FR’s Jon Fleischman In Studio At KCET Live For Brown’s State Of The State Address

If you plan on watching Governor Jerry Brown’s first (well, I guess really his ninth) State of The State Address tomorrow, only wimps watch it on the CalChannel website. Real politicos will catch it as it is live streamed on KCET television’s website at Of course if you are in the LA media market, you can just watch it live on your television!

KCET’s outstanding SoCal Connected Program will start their coverage at 5pm with a great panel of commentators (including yours truly) — they will then break away for Brown’s speech when it begins, and for the GOP response — and then back to the studio for more analysis.

From the KCET website:

KCET’s SoCal Connected goes live at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, January 31,Read More

Jon Fleischman

Youth For Reagan ’66 Reunion

As we approach what would have been Ronald Reagan’s 100th Birthday, a little reunion was held at the home of Congressman Dana Rohrabacher of some of the leaders of Youth for Reagan in 1966. In this photo, from left to right — Pete Sheridan, Bill Saracino, Dana Rohrabacher and Allan Brandstater.

It is a testament to the commitment of all of these gentlemen, friends all, that 45 years later, each continues to give selflessly to advance the principles espoused by the late President Reagan. (Absent but there in spirit was Shawn Steel, who would have been at the reunion but could not make it.)

Thanks to Rhonda Rohrabacher.for the heads up and for sending this great photo!Read More

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