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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Mayor’s Race on Front Burner, The Virtual Gathering Place, and Climate Change ‘Splained

San Diego Rostra: The Virtual Gathering Place… A new Democratic, left-leaning blog, Two Cathedrals, has joined the San Diego blogosphere in the last few weeks.

The website refers to itself as “an organization…” (sounds more robust than simply a weblog) “…committed to reasserting the role of progressive principles in San Diego’s communities and government,” and “as a centralized resource for analysis, research, organizing and communications outreach towards building a strong progressive foundation for San Diego,” while functioning “as a hub for progressive activists, organizations, elected officials and non-political organizers to become better equipped to positively transform the City of San Diego and the region.”

Best wishes to Two Cathedrals, and I say it very sincerely…as I would to any effortinvolved in providing a forum for increased discussion and debate about San Diego politics and policy-making, regardless of beliefs.

Both… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Left Bloviates With Hypocritical Blimp

As I reported earlier this week we are in for a massive dose of hypocrisy from the left this weekend as the unions and their allies work overtime (for which I am sure their getting paid) to protest a meeting hosted by the Koch Brothers in Palm Desert to talk about “insidious” topics like job creation, economic growth and protecting our freedoms. And it looks like the festivities have already begun starting with what else, hot air (literally) from the left!

Give me a break. Greenpeace has apparently gone to the expense and trouble of flying a blimp in Palm Desert? Talk about Astroturf. I wonder how much that is running them to fly? Come to think of it I wonder how much this whole operation is running Common Cause, Greenpeace, the Courage Campaign, the California Nurses Association and all of their allies? Seems like it’s going to cost a lot of money to bus people… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Hypocrisy Of Left On Display As Koch Brothers Host Palm Desert Conference

In the coming days conservative movement leaders and brothers Charles and David Koch (pictured) and their company, Koch Industries, will be hosting their annual conference in Palm Desert bringing together other like-minded people from throughout the country who are interested in job creation, free enterprise, eliminating deficit spending, lowering taxes and protecting our economic freedoms. In other words, Americans, many of whom are the job creators, are getting together on their own dime to talk about these important subjects and to discuss how they might work together to further these goals with real solutions. You would think that supposed “good government” groups like Common Cause would be supportive of citizens who care enough to do what they can to engage in the issues most important to them. We are, unfortunately, talking about Common Cause and their… Read More

Jon Fleischman

PPIC: Ask A Skewed Question, Get A Skewed Response

We always say that an answer is only as good s a question. Today the MSM will undoubtedly make hay with a PPIC poll question that shows public support for Governor Brown’s proposal to balance the state budget with a plan that includes both spending cuts and higher taxes. They will likely not, however, tell you that the question is skewed in support of the plan…

Here is the exact question:

32. On another topic, Governor Brown proposed a budget plan for the current and next fiscal year to close the state’s $25-billion budget deficit. It includes major spending cuts to nearly all state agencies, including health and human services, higher education, and state parks. It will not cut spending to K–12 education. It plans to realign some funding and responsibilities for carrying out certain programs from the state government to local governments. It calls for a June … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor Christie of New Jersey On Public Pensions

As union-controlled politicians look to foist billions of dollars in new sales, income and car taxes on Californians, guess what isn’t happening — at least here in California? As public employee pension costs for unrealistically generous defined benefit pensions (and Cadillac-level health benefits) cause more and more of state and local government budgets to be sucked away from providing services, our Governor and legislature, County Supervisor and Administrators, City Councilmembers and City Managers, all need to take eight minutes and watch and listen to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

In this video he takes a question from a local police officer who is concerned about how he is going to make ends meet with cuts he is having to take because of legislation signed by Christie. Christie understands that addressing this problem is not just about looking at long-term reforms effecting future state and local employees. But that the crisis is here now, and can’t be resolved without participation (willing or not) of current employees.

See the video… Read More

Meredith Turney

Best City Council Speech EVER

Last night the Temecula City Council held a public hearing on the proposed construction of a new mosque in their community. Apparently the project has roiled the public to such a degree that the meeting went on for 8 hours. Ultimately, local opponents were defeated as the Council voted at 3:30am to approve the mosque. Perhaps they were swayed by the most compelling arguments in favor of the proposed mosque, which came from the last public speaker on the topic. At 3:06 am Murrieta resident Leilani Alman (sp?) stepped to the microphone and delivered one of the most eloquent pieces of oratory every articulated in American political history.

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James V. Lacy

Is FEC good as dead? And if so why is that a bad thing?

Liberal California campaign finance attorney Rick Hasen laments in today’s Slate blog that "for the past several years the three Republican FEC commissioners have blocked enforcement of what remains of federal campaign finance law." My response is to say "Yeah!!!." The First Amendment is the First Amendment, and perhaps there is more appropriate lamentation in order for the three Democrat FEC commissioners who do not support the constitution consistently enough.… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Make all of California an Enterprise Zone

The budget proposed by Governor Jerry Brown does nothing to improve California’s dismal jobs climate. Instead it would make California even less competitive in the battle for jobs.

I’m particularly concerned about the governor’s proposal to eliminate enterprise zones. It makes no sense to eliminate these vital economic development zones – we should instead be expanding them. Better yet, we should make all of California an enterprise zone. After all, the entire state is now economically distressed.

Please take a moment to read my recent op-ed on this subject in the Sacramento Bee and let me know your thoughts.… Read More

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