Pressing Issues
Regular readers of these missives may have noticed that I have not been as prolific recently in these writings as is customary. That is not because I don’t love you anymore, or because you fell off the e-mail list (which is rather obvious since you are reading this now). And, it is not because I have had nothing to say. Quite the opposite. There is a bunch going on back here in DC, and being in the majority means that I am busier with it all than has been the case the last 4 years. I could tell you about the State of the Union speech (it was quite insubstantial) or the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac proposal from the White House (with which I mostly agree mainly because it doesn’t arrive at a conclusion on how to proceed) or any number of other issues. Instead, I will give you a brief update with my perspective on the two most burning issues right this minute (it is Sunday as I write this).
Egypt: Blame it on, or credit, the internet and Facebook. Totalitarian or authoritarian regimes governing a populace with few rights and less prosperity are not new. In fact, most countries have been governed this way for centuries. But,… Read More