AFP California Calls on Legislators to Join Taxpayers Caucus
Americans for Prosperity just issued the following statement regarding the new Taxpayers Caucus highlighted on the main page of FR today:
AFP California Calls on Legislators to Join Taxpayers CaucusGrassroots group will hold accountable any lawmakers who don’t support cause
Sacramento—Grassroots taxpayer advocacy organization Americans for Prosperity California joined a coalition of other organizations and state legislators today in urging all 120 members of the state legislature to join the newly-formed Taxpayers Caucus. Led by State Senator Tony Strickland and Assemblyman Don Wagner, the caucus is committed to balancing the state budget without tax increases, and supports Proposition 13’s taxpayer protections.
“California has a 12.5 percent unemployment rate, one of the highest tax rates in the country and is considered one of the most hostile environments for businesses,” explained State Chairman Peter Foy. “We cannot continue on this path over a cliff to fiscal ruin.… Read More