We need to stand up for Jesse Petrilla
I don’t really know Rancho Santa Margarita City Councilman Jesse Petrilla. Yet I think every single person that reads this blog should stand with him against the majority on his City Council.
See related Jim Lacy post here.
In 2003 I was the Vice-Mayor of Woodland and was called to active duty in the Marine Corps. When I left we had no idea how long I would be gone. Could have been months or even years. We really did not know.
The people on the City Council chose not to replace me but since my term of deployment was not clear I would have understood if they did. Petrilla will be gone for just three months.
Here is the problem for the service member that is publicly reported to be deployed. To most people in the public it says "military service is an honorable thing". To some it says that "the family of the service member is vulnerable". Not cool. I am sure that Councilman Petrilla is happy to do this training but has concerns about his wife. These are… Read More