Governor Walker Of Wisconsin Makes Apperance In AD 4 Special Election
Well, it didn’t take long for the politics of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s patriotic showdown against the public employee unions in that state to become injected into the politics of a local Assembly campaign here in California. I just got the following release from the Beth Gaines for Assembly campaign (if I get a response to it from the John Allard campaign, we’ll let you know). Oh yes, this just goes towards rule #23 of campaigns for partisan office — being a local elected official can do nothing but hurt you in your quest for higher office.
The release from the Gaines Campaign…
John Allard is Roseville’s anti-Scott Walker in AD 4 ROSEVILLE, CA — While Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and other Republican Governors around the country are courageously taking on public employee unions in his state in order to balance the state budget, State Assembly candidate John Allard is reaping the rewards of years of… Read More