Race for Republican Nomination for Governor is Wide Open
This week, the Tax Foundation reported once again, California is one of the worst states in the country when it comes to its business climate. The state’s high taxes and enormous regulatory burden is disproportionately carried by the entrepreneurs, small businesses and independent contractors who lack the massive compliance departments of big companies like those which dominate Silicon Valley.
California needs to be rebalanced, and Republicans must summon the strength to do it. There is no alternative. There’s no magical taxpayer-friendly wing of the Democratic Party. No mystical non-partisan hero waiting in the wings. Ending one party rule in California can only come about with a Republican victory.
The nomination of a governor candidate in 2022 is central to the party’s success. Having served as the Republican nominee for Lt. Governor in 2014, I have seen first-hand the impact the top of the ticket has on our down-ballot prospects. Republicans swept almost all California statewide offices in 1994 on the strength of Gov. Pete Wilson’s re-election combined with… Read More