Senate Budget Update
Currently the Senate is contemplating the SB 69 Omnibus budget package. It relies on the oft mentioned tax increases that Gov. Brown has packaged. "Letting the people vote" is the mantra that forgets that they have voted in Nov 2010 and even on these exact same taxes in the package back in the May ’09 special election to not extend them for then 2 years, now 5 more. Because of Prop 25 the bill itself will pass today with a simple majority, not 2/3 as needed before. The taxes to ‘pay for it’ will not be brought up until later.
Earlier some of the cuts included a prison release package as part of the budget savings[AB 109] which passed off theis floor. "Low level offenders" would now be the worry of local jailors. Many that had been subject to parole accountability, would no serve time in local jails with NO probation upon release. Some offenses include: felony ID theft, cruel or inhumane child abuse resulting in traumatic condition, knowingly selling firearms to criminal street gang members, sale of controlled substance to minor, and many more types of offenders.
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