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Jon Fleischman

AT&T To Acquire T-Mobile: Great!

Do you know anyone who still is on a T-Mobile phone? I know a few. That said, I was shocked when I looked it up — over 33 MILLION Americans are on T-Mobile!

My interest was peaked because of the big news that AT&T is acquiring T-Mobile. This will make AT&T the largest provider of wireless service in the U.S. by far — at around 130 million customers. Behind them will be Verizon with 96 million customers. From there, you have TracFone (17 million), MetroPCS (8 million), U.S. Cellular (6 million) and so on.

The first thought that I had? That it is nice to see a big American company like AT&T expanding, by gobbling up a European one. I am not protectionist, and am an advocate for fair and free trade. But we’re in a nationwide period of economic malaise — so seeing someone on the "home… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Online Tax Measure Advances

On a party line vote the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee this afternoon passed out Assembly Bill 153 by Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley).

Although not surprised, I’m disappointed by the Committee’s decision to move forward with a tax measure that will cost California jobs and hurt state revenues. There are as many as 25,000 internet affiliate businesses based in our state that could be wiped out by this bill.

Leading online retailers, including Amazon and Overstock, have informed me that passage of this bill will force them to terminate their relationships with their California-based affiliates.

Out-of-state retailers, with no physical presence in the California, have no legal obligation to collect California’s sales or use taxes. AB 153 is trying to redefine ‘physical presence’ to include the use of online affiliate advertisers based in California.

The bill simply won’t work. Out-of-state retailers will cut ties with their California affiliates and continue selling to California consumers. The only thing AB 153 does is kill up to 25,000 affiliate jobs in California. That’s the last… Read More

James V. Lacy

How rich or poor is your state legislator?

Sometimes otherwise lazy MSM reporters will pull the mandatory, periodic Form 700 conflict of interest disclosures of state legislators right after they are filed, as part of their journalistic routines, and do a story comparing relative finances or gifts received of our Assembly and State Senate representatives. I didn’t see much news coverage of these filings after the most recent round of disclosures, so I figured there probably just wasn’t much to report. But I decided to take a look at all the filings anyway, just for legislators in my home county of Orange, and compare them, and here is what I found according to the reports. Please keep in mind the reports are general and use wide ranges, so they are not entirely accurate, and they don’t have to be, as the idea is not be exactly precise, but to disclose potential conflicts. Here we go: of The O.C.’s four state senators, MIMI WALTERS looks like the financial leader in stocks and business ownership, but Lou Correa appears to own a lot of real estate. Walters discloses ownership of between $660,000 to $6.6 million in stocks, appears to own all or a good piece of an apartment building in… Read More

James V. Lacy

Top to down or bottom up GOP?

I am not really a huge fan of some of the decisions of the top leadership of the California Republican Party in the last couple years, I am more a lukewarm fan, and I am quite wary of it’s future. I have made my views known appropriately, discreetly, and also publicly. Past decisions I didn’t like include hiring illegal aliens to manage the finances of the party, generalized support for recalls of Republican incumbent legislators who were at least 80% for us; sideline support, if any, of our own candidate for Lt. Governor, whom vote analysis demonstrated was a 80% plus GOP legislator; and the lack of a meaningful plan to urgently build support for the GOP with Latino voters. I also think we enter the next election cycle without top leadership that can inspire the support we need from the business community to be relevant. All that said, I strongly support the Nehring Plan to give GOP central committee members some clout in the party candidate nominating process, and diminish a little the influence of incumbent officeholders. Proposition 14, which I opposed, has taken away the right of Republican grass roots primary voters to name their party’s nominee in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Uhler & Fleischman Push For CAGOP To Oppose AFL-CIO’s Term Limits Weakening Measure

As delegates arrive today for the California Republican Party’s Convention in Sacramento, it will be the hope of those gathered that there will be no special election for the purposes of asking the voters to (once again) reject tax increases. A look back will reveal that the last seven times that California voters have had a chance to do so, they have rejected higher taxes.

That having been said, there is still an unfortunate possibly that some deal gets struck and we end up with a special election for June of this year. That said, in addition to anything that would be placed on the special election ballot as part of an ill-advised deal, there are two ballot measures that have already been qualified and will appear on the state’s next ballot. One is a tobacco tax measure. The other is a measure championed by the AFL-CIO to weaken California’s term-limits law.

This weekend the CRP has an opportunity to take positions on ballot measures, and so I have teamed up with Lew Uhler, President of the National Tax Limitation Committee, to introduce the following resolution to the CRP’s Initiatives Committee for consideration,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

State GOP Convention Tweeting

When I attend the CRP conventions, I am here (and I am here, at the Hyatt Hotel looking out from my room at the dome of the State Capitol) as a very active participant in the process. While I am not running for party office (after two terms as the elected Vice Chairman, South, of the party, I am prevented due to term-limits from running again, and am not seeking higher party office), I am very involved in a lot of the goings-on here.

CRP Conventions are a prime networking opportunity for Republican leaders from all over our large state to get together and network — and is also the time when we consider important decisions about the future of the California GOP.

This weekend is the party’s biennial organizational convention, which means that we will be electing all of our party officers.

Running uncontested for the office of Chairman is Tom Del Beccaro who hails from Contra Costa County. Currently the CRP’s Vice Chairman, Tom has been actively engaged in the leadership of the CRP for many years now. He has his own website on politics, worth a visit, called PoliticalRead More

Congressman John Campbell

Risk And Uncertainty

“Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” – Author Unknown

Risk and Uncertainty: A lot of new uncertainties have been added in the last few weeks. Will the Japanese reactor meltdown, and what effect will that have on nuclear energy supplies? Will the Japanese economy slump further, and how will that impact U.S. growth and jobs? Who is going to control Libya, or Egypt, or Bahrain or Saudi Arabia in the future? Will the answer to that question affect the world’s oil supplies or prices? And, how will that affect our economic growth? Will the governments of those countries be friendly to the West or will Islamic fundamentalists rule and sponsor more attacks and terrorism?

It can be scary to turn on the news these days. These threats and risks are real. And, they are largely out of our control.

But, there are other risks out there. Will our debt swamp the country and send us into a government-led collapse? In order to avoid collapse, will the Fed print more… Read More

Ray Haynes

Making California Relevant Again

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