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Jon Fleischman

Leading Taxpayer Advocacy Groups Sign Letter Concerning State Budget Crisis

The following letter from major taxpayer advocacy organizations was distributed yesterday in the State Capitol to the offices of Republican legislators… (The link below opens a .pdf of the formatted letter complete with logos of the various organizations and signatures of their representatives.)

March 29, 2011 Dear Republican Legislators: Re: Expiration of the 2009 Tax Increases; Restoring California The undersigned taxpayer leaders are writing to reiterate our position that the 2009 tax increases hurt California; why they should be allowed toRead More

Jon Fleischman

No Drought, Time To Pull Water “Porkulus” Bond Measure Off 2012 Ballot

As has been anticipated the last couple of days, Governor Brown has declared the three-year long drought in California officially over. With the state’s reservoirs quite full, and the snow pack in the Sierras at 165% of normal, ending the drought declaration is probably a good idea.

Hopefully the readily available supply of water will translate to some reductions in water rationing and perhaps the lowering of costs for end users (one can but hope).

But there is certainly one very bright, positive political aspect to California’s drought being over — it means that it will be harder than ever for the massive $11++ billion water bond package, due to appear on a 2012 ballot near you, to go down in defeat.

The "Water Porkulus" bond package, as I called it when it was being crafted by the legislature a couple of years ago, is literally 3 or 4 times bigger than what is actually needed to responsibly address our state’s water infrastructure issues (it depends on whom you speak, as to exactly how "too big" it is). The process of watching sausage get made is supposedly very gross and… Read More

Ray Haynes

Zen and Retribution

Jerry Brown richly deserved his "Governor Moonbeam" moniker in his first incarnation as Governor (in the 1970’s). He emphasized his Zen ways, talked about the "era of limits" (before Reagan blew the top off of those limits in the 1980’s), and, with his unusual style, and odd public pronouncements, left the impression that he had more than his fair share of that "wacky tabacky" the use of which seemed to be on the rise in those days.

Before Jerry Brown was Governor, California had the best school system in the country. California had a freeway system that was envied throughout the world. 80% of Californians could afford a median price home. Gasoline was 22 cents a gallon, and water was prevalent, and cheap. Farmers didn’t worry about Delta smelts or fairy shrimp. We weren’t a welfare magnet, and bruceros crossed the border to work legally in the fields, and then went home. The state budget was $8.6 billion general fund. Things weren’t idyllic, but they weren’t bad.

After he left office, the state’s general fund spending had nearly tripled.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Asm. Donnelly Invited You To A Capitol Rally This Monday!

Patriot Tim Donnelly was elected to the State Assembly in 2010 and as a freshman member of the legislature has exhibited the kind of unflagging energy and commitment to preserving our Republican that one could only hope for. Donnelly’s focus has been focusing in a few key areas, one of which is fighting against illegal immigration. Right out of the gate, Donnelly has introduced AB 26, which in essence would enact the Arizona Immigration Law here in the Golden State.

This coming Tuesday AB 26 has its first committee hearing. But before that, Assemblyman Donnelly invited you to a 2 p.m. Rally on the north steps of the Capitol Building to rally support for the legislature.

Below is a friend video with Assemblyman Donnelly, with your personal invitation to come down and be counted…

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Congressman John Campbell

$4/gallon, $4.50/gallon, $5/gallon or More

I was home in California last week and I paid $4.29 for premium fuel while I was there. And, as I write this, the price of oil is still rising. $4.50 or $5.00 per gallon of gas is certainly in sight and possible. And, remember that the price of oil is denominated in dollars, but it is a world market. So, when the value of the dollar drops, as it is doing now due to printing money and deficits and such, the price of oil in dollars will rise even if the world supply/demand equation remains stable. We have seen this movie before. I remember very clearly in August and September of 2008 that Republicans (including this Republican) took to the floor of the House during August recess to talk about the recent rise in gas prices and to send a "drill, baby, drill" message. I also well remember one day in September when I was scheduled to lead that floor effort, but the financial crisis was about to burst and overwhelm the issue of gas prices. I asked to see then minority leader Boehner and was able to convince him that we should not be talking about gas prices when a much bigger crisis was going to be upon us within days. He heeded this advice and we went out and held a short… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AFP CA Lights Up Sens. Berryhill, Cannella To Oppose Tax Increase Vote

AFP California Airs Radio Ads Opposing Governor’s Tax Increases Grassroots group begins campaign to educate citizens about attempts to increase taxes

Sacramento—Grassroots taxpayer advocacy organization Americans for Prosperity California kicks off the "Hold Them Accountable" campaign today airing radio ads calling on taxpayers to urge their legislators to oppose Governor Jerry Brown’s tax increases. Specifically, the ads will focus on Senators Tom Berryhill and Anthony Cannella, both Republicans who seem open to supporting the tax hikes. The ads are part of a media and ground campaign to educate and mobilize citizens in opposition to tax increases.

Listen to the ad – below the ad is the script…

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Ray Haynes

Did Anyone Really Think We Could Outsmart The Democrats?

Five years ago, when the proposal for a redistricting commission came up before the Legislature, I balked. I said then that the Democrats would figure out a way to turn the commission their way. Redistricting is the most political thing that occurs in politics. Careers and jobs are on the line, and since government is the "be all and end all" for Democrats, they would make sure they would take over the process. The only problem? We would lose all accountability. We couldn’t argue that the lines were unfair. We asked for, and got, a "balanced, unbiased" commission. In the mine of politics, the Democrats would get the gold, and we would get the shaft.

I was told to mind my own business. My colleagues said I didn’t know what I was talking about. I pointed out that there was no such thing as an unbiased commission. In the world of politics, Democrats go out of their way to be partisan, and they prove it every day by attacking Republicans. Republicans, on the other hand, go out of their way to be nonpartisan, and they prove it every day by attacking… Read More

Jon Fleischman

HJTA PAC Endorses DeVore For OC Supervisor

There is no more significant organizational endorsement for a Republican candidates for office, partisan or non, than this one — congratulations to Chuck DeVore… – Flash

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association PAC Endorses Chuck DeVore for Orange County Board of Supervisors

March 29, 2011, Irvine, CA – The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association PAC, California’s foremost defender of taxpayers’ rights, today announced its endorsement of former State Assemblyman Chuck DeVore in his campaign for Orange County Board of Supervisors, 3rd District. Jon Coupal, the President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, the largest taxpayers association inRead More

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