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Jon Fleischman

Left Continues To Throw Stones At Koch Brothers From Glass Houses

The Democrats’ carefully crafted façade continues to be unraveled by their hypocrisy. From their inconsistent messaging on the federal budget negotiations, to their AstroTurf political demonstrations, it has become increasingly clear that their words and their actions don’t mesh.

Take for example the recent brouhaha in the Desert where more than 1,000 paid demonstrators protested a private meeting of the Koch brothers. As I said when this dust-up occurred, this is another example of Democrat hypocrisy. Let’s be clear, these weren’t volunteers out to support a cause they believe in. They were part of an Astrotruf effort, similar to those we are accustomed to seeing the union representatives who get paid to demonstrate outside the State Capitol organize during budget season.

It was a protest supposedly about the evils of the influence of money in politics, paid for by millionaire-funded political organizations like Common Cause and Greenpeace. That’s right. It was one set of millionaire-backed groups protesting millionaires who make political donations. We might as well just put a picture of Common Cause in the dictionary under the word:… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Legislators Crashing Taxpayer-Leased Vehicles

Over on the venerable Sacramento Bee Capitol Alert blog, they have posted up an easy to read spreadsheet of all of the claims paid by the State of California as a result of accidents with state-leased vehicles assigned to legislators. In many instances the claims indicate that a spouse or child of the legislator was behind the wheel. Nice.

The link is here. Check it out.

It’s just as well Governor Brown has decided to just ask the legislature to increase taxes, without waiting for a vote of the people. Because I can only imagine the cynicism of the electorate as they absorb the fact that California is the only state in the country where legislators get state-leased vehicles (let along two — yes, unless the legislator drives to work from nearby, there is a second state-leased vehicle parked under the Capitol for the use of each legislator).… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Romney Makes It Official

Today Governor Mitt Romney announced his official exploratory committee for President. In doing so he released the video below…

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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Mary Bono Mack Proves The GOP Still Doesn’t Understand the Numbers

I happened to run across this article today about Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack (R), Palm Desert, and her "on the fence" position regarding Republican Congressman Paul Ryan’s 10 year budget plan. If her position is indicative of the GOP House Caucus, we’re in big trouble already.

First of all, I cannot imagine anyone being undecided about the Ryan budget on the grounds that it goes too far. It actually doesn’t go anywhere close to where we need to go in terms of deficit and debt reduction. Ryan compares his plan’s 10 year benchmark with Barack Obama’s, and claims some great victory for only increasing spending $4 trillion instead of the $10 trillion proposed by Obama. This is conservative?

For a Republican member to actually believe the Ryan budget goes too far is evidence of a fundamental lack of understanding of basic economics and mathamatics, as well as international finance, and perhaps even politics.

First of all, we’ve raised the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Legislative Junket To Ireland: Through The Looking Glass

Everyone, regardless of their political persuasion, will agree on one immutable fact: California state government is in a world of hurt. The state’s recession has walloped what once were sky-high tax revenues, and now the state has a massive budget shortfall. This tragic situation shaped much of the Governorship of Arnold Schwarzenegger, and has completely dominated the first 100 days of Jerry Brown’s third term as Governor.

It is somewhat amazing that in the context of this crisis, that next week a group of California legislators are headed abroad to of all places – Ireland. The Los Angeles Times has reported that one of the purposes of this legislative international journey is, according to the Times, “ to study how to turn sewage and wind into energy.”


Democrat Assemblyman Steve Bradford (who along with his Democrat colleague Fiona Ma are the only two legislators named as… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Orange County Latino Population

In talking to my friends in Orange County there appears to be some misunderstanding of how large the Latino population is. I hear comments about the possibility of the redistricting commission somehow eliminating or dramatically changing Senate District 34. That is not going to happen.

The Voting Rights Act protects the ability of certain communities to be grouped together in redistricting process. That will continue to happen in Orange County.

The attached document will give you an idea of the magnitude of the population densities in Orange County.

The minimum for the County of Orange will be one district in the State Senate that will likely be held by a Democrat (the replacement for Senator Lou Correa), one Congressional seat (held by Democrat Loretta Sanchez), and at least one Assembly seat (currently held by Assemblyman Jose Solorio).

The real question is what districts are drawn beyond these minimums. I actually think we could see more.

Consider this, most people think of Assemblyman Chris… Read More

Jon Fleischman

U.S. Representative (and FR Blogger) John Campbell Interviews on Fox News about Federal Budget

The Democrat who was supposed to go point-counterpoint with Campbell was a no show — so here is about four minutes of the Orange County Congressman giving his take on the budget deal (which is to say the spending authority for this fiscal year)…

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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Mary Bono Mack Proves The GOP Still Doesn’t Understand the Numbers

I happened to run across this article today about Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack (R), Palm Desert, and her "on the fence" position regarding Republican Congressman Paul Ryan’s 10 year budget plan. If her position is indicative of the GOP House Caucus, we’re in big trouble already.

First of all, I cannot imagine anyone being undecided about the Ryan budget on the grounds that it goes too far. It actually doesn’t go anywhere close to where we need to go in terms of deficit and debt reduction. Ryan compares his plan’s 10 year benchmark with Barack Obama’s, and claims some great victory for only increasing spending $4 trillion instead of the $10 trillion proposed by Obama. This is conservative?

For a Republican member to actually believe the Ryan budget goes too far is evidence of a fundamental lack of understanding of basic economics and mathamatics, as well as international finance, and perhaps even politics.

First of all, we’ve raised the… Read More

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