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BOE Member George Runner

Stop Higher Property Taxes

It’s no surprise that California’s constant budget crisis and the Legislature’s inability to control its spending have renewed interest by some to weaken Prop. 13 and raise property taxes to help solve our massive budget deficit.

Proponents of increasing property taxes claim they will help solve our budget problems, but the reality is that property tax increases will cost Californians billions, hurt our small businesses and slow job creation when we need it most.

Californians Against Higher Property Taxes is educating Californians about the negative consequences of a “split roll tax” and potential parcel tax increases. I encourage you to visit and join the coalition to stay informed.

Thank you for working with me to oppose new taxes on the people of California.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Picture Of The Day: Heads On A Stick

This was sent to us from a FlashReport reader… Obviously from last evening’s “Heads On A Stick” fundraising event where five GOPers cashed in with special interests making (presumably) big bucks by expressing a willingness to place higher taxes on the ballot… It’s unclear if all of the guests got a photo with the five GOP legislators and the Governor, or if Brown was just in the photo line for “his” shot with the celebrities of the night.

(Pictured, from left to right, Asm. Bill Berryhill, Asm. Achadjian, Gov. Jerry Brown, Sen. Cannella, Asm. Cook, Sen Tom Berryhill)… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Of Heads On Sticks, And Taxpayer Funded Cars For Legislators

The Los Angeles Times today reports that Senators Tom Berryhill and Anthony Cannella, and Assemblymembers Katcho Achjedian, Bill Berryhill and Paul Cook hosted a high priced fundraising campaign for their re-election, the theme of which was “Heads On A Stick” — making fun of the fact that their refusal to commit to opposing new increases in the state’s already income, sales and car taxes has drawn the ire of Southern California radio talk show hosts John Kobylt and Ken Champiou (“John and Ken”).

Don’t buy the “spin” put forward by advocates of government spending and the main stream media that the proposal of Governor Brown to raise taxes is actual something else called an “extension of taxes” — that is State Capitol double speak. The income tax increase and reduction in the child tax credit that were part of the terrible 2009 budget deal have already expired (they were on the 2009 and 2010 tax years), and the sales and car taxes end on June 30th. What is being discussed are new taxes to be imposed starting July 1st.

Those five legislators should really step back and figure out whether… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bill Leonard: Proposition 25 and Taxes

Over the next couple of days we’ll have worked out the kinks in the reformatted FR blog. Normally this post would come from Bill Leonard himself, but in this instance I am posting up from my account. Enjoy! – Flash

Proposition 25 and Taxes By Bill Leonard

Over at Fox & Hounds Loren Kaye describes the loopholes in the recently passed Proposition 25. His list of bills is scary as they passed as majority vote bills that otherwise should be urgency bills requiring a two-thirds vote. They take effect immediately upon the Governor’ signature and the peoples’ power of referendum is voided.

There is only one problem with this analysis – these ‘loopholes’ are deliberately designed by the sponsors to ram through any kind of legislation as long as there is a thread of connection to a state budget. In fact they are probably are more significant change in the state’s constitution that the switch to a majority vote budget itself.

Here is the relevant language:… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Senate Passes SB 48, Requiring LGBT Curriculum Content

SB 48 just passed off the Senate floor 23-14 with only Democrat support. Dressed as an anti-bullying bill, it requires school content to include specific sexual orientation curriculum that includes Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender teachings.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bill Leonard: The Budget Offensive Gets Offensive

Over the next couple of days we’ll have worked out the kinks in the reformatted FR blog. Normally this post would come from Bill Leonard himself, but in this instance I am posting up from my account. Enjoy! – Flash

THE BUDGET OFFENSIVE GET OFFENSIVE The Honorable Bill Leonard Well, charm did not work. Governor Brown has been romancing Republicans for 3 months now with his do it my way and ignore the consequences message and lo and behold it has not worked. Now its no more Mr. Nice Guy. This week Brown has resorted to name calling and veiled threats. He has moved beyond the slogan of let the voters decide to the honest admission that he needs tax increases and he needs them now.

The truth is that from last Fall onwards tax increases have been the basis for his budget plan. The details of putting them on the ballot and getting the voters to approve them all were casually assumed by Jerry Brown despite obstacles that should be daunting. I love the new twist. The Governor has re-interpreted his political promise of voter approval to suggest that… Read More

James V. Lacy

Superior Court assumes jurisdiction over CRA convention election; all delegates as submitted MUST be seated; blow to Celeste Greig and Tom Hudson

As predicted here in a prior post, a Superior Court judge in Sacramento has agreed early this morning that the last minute antics of Celeste Greig and Tom Hudson to limit participation at this weekend’s California Republican Assembly convention to manipulate election outcomes is illegal. The judge issued a temporary restraining order, punishable by contempt of court (county jail) that requires the CRA credentials committee to seat all delegates as submitted, meaning Greig will likely not win re-election this weekend. It appears that the judge may also not have been impressed by George Park saying the word “bullshit” in the judge’s private chambers during oral argument on the TRO. Greig, Park and Hudson are ordered back to court on April 28 as the judge is now monitoring what they will do at the convention, and if all the delegates are not seated, they risk being found in contempt of court. Here is the Judge’s ruling:

Subject: VOIGTS – Court Order

IT IS ORDERED that defendant California Republican Assembly (CRA) appear on April 28, 2011, which is 15 days from April 13, 2011, when the TRO issues, [See CCP… Read More

James V. Lacy

Tom Hudson and Celeste Greig lost the case. REALLY.

Ok, so I am in Sacramento today and someone just handed me a Blackberry with a message from Tom Hudson on it “declaring victory” in the court order today from a Sacramento superior court judge ordering ALL delegates to be seated at this weekend’s CRA convention. Short story: Hudson lost, and I bank my four years at USC, three years at Pepperdine Law, and eight years in the Reagan Administration on that. Hudson LOST, and all delegates as submitted must be seated at the CRA convention this weekend, otherwise the credentials committee members are in contempt of court (meaning county jail). Follow up monitoring hearing set before Judge on 4/28. Tom Hudson, stop the lies!!!… Read More

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