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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Redistricting: Same Game, New Battlefield

Yolo County Supervisor and Meridian Pacific Principal Matt Rexroad was kind enough to visit Fresno today and educate our Lincoln Club and other interested community members as to the vagaries andvicissitudes ofredistricting and the agonizing process taking place in Sacramento these days with the new Redistricting Commission. I learned quite a bit today. Reapportionment is not the same as redistricting. Skin color and ethnic identity is what this entire drill is about. The assumption that people of a certain color must have a district to elect someone that has a similiar identity is patently assinine, but it is the law. I don’t know why we must assume that ethnic groups think differently because of the way they look but the Commission is consumed with this issue.

The Central Valley is a quandry – we’ve got two Congressional seats that could easily be drawn to produce a more competitive outcome at election time, Cardoza and Costa, but due to statistical torture, the strengthening of these seats to the GOP direction is not likely. Rexroad provided us with great data and analysis throughout his very good presentation.

Locally, we… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Anderson: Bipartisan compromise reached to solve budget problem without a tax vote!

This just in from longtime FR friend, State Senator Joel Anderson…

Senator Joel Anderson (R – El Cajon) confirmed that a bipartisan compromise was reached today to solve the state’s budget problem without having to wait for passage of the Governor’s proposed ballot tax increase vote.

“Sometimes these solutions are so obvious that you wonder how the Governor and legislative leaders can overlook them? I represent everyone from all walks of life in my district, and today we rolled out a solution for that very small minority of my constituents who requested an opportunity to vote for more taxes on the ballot.

“After reaching across partisan lines to the State Treasurer’s office and the Governor’s Department of Finance, I am pleased to announce that California has a system in place to allow people to demonstrate their budget priorities by voting with their pocketbooks.

This voting process, which includes monetary gifts to the state, is governed by the California Government Code 16302 and is really quite easy to follow. One only needs to send a personal check, cashier’s check or money order to:Read More

Jon Fleischman

The “Dream Act” Is About Immigration, And Is Very Poor Public Policy

Assemblyman Gil Cedillo’s AB 130 which he has dubbed the “California Dream Act” would allow people who are not legal residents of the United States receive financial support when going to California’s public colleges and universities. His legislation passed out of the Assembly this morning.

Were I a member of the California Assembly (God forbid), I would have voted against this legislation, and spoken against it on the floor.

To me, this is a bill that is first and foremost about the issue of criminal immigration into the United States.

While it is true that it is the responsibility of the federal government to keep people from entering this country without permission (there is a legal process for coming into the country that should and must be used by all those seeking residency in the United States), the illegal immigration problem has become so large that frankly there is a role for every level of government to play, as well as a role for the citizenry to play.

Public policy for the State of California, when… Read More

Jon Fleischman

OC GOP Censures Marilyn Davenport, Sender of “Obama-Chimpanzee” E-mail

Yesterday I was one of fourteen members of the Executive Committee of the Orange County Republican Party that gathered at our headquarters to receive, review and weigh a OCRP Ethics Committee report on the matter of the e-mail sent by our colleague, Marilyn Davenport, that depicted the face of President Barack Obama over the body of a baby chimpanzee. Also considered was Marilyn’s conduct since she forwarded around that image to a group of undisclosed recipients.

We met for some period of time, and because we were in closed session, I won’t go into detail about what specifically was said in the meeting. But I will say that under the OCRP Bylaws, the strongest action that our Executive Committee could take in being critical of Davenport and her action was an “Ethics Censure” — and that is precisely what we did. Below I will post up an official statement from the OCRP released by Chairman Scott Baugh. Below that I will list out those Executive Committee members who voted for and against the ethics censure. Finally I have some personal thoughts on this matter that I would like to share…… Read More

Bill Leonard

National Day of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer albeit for believers every day is a day of prayer. However, federal law and presidential proclamation make a special designation for this day. President Obama’s proclamation can be found here

The day itself has become controversial as atheist groups have sued to overturn the law on the grounds of unconstitutional state sponsored religion. It clearly is not a state church. But it is also clear that it is a recognition that God governs the universe and that prayer is communication with our God.

And there is so much to pray for. Giving thanks to the brave men who stopped a terrorist leader. Seeking comfort for those who suffered losses in tornadoes here at home and earthquakes and tsunamis aboard. Seeking guidance for national economic recovery and for government budget finances. Its ok to say a prayer today and you will have lots of company.

This morning Governor Brown has also signed a proclamation which you can find here:

May God bless California and the United States… Read More

Congressman Buck McKeon

The Toll of Rising Gas Prices

This has been a historic week in America, with the capture and demise of the mastermind behind the attacks of September Eleventh, Osama bin Laden. The news has spread across the globe, and we have all become even more keenly aware and grateful for the masterful work of our armed forces, which stand to serve and protect us. They’ve illustrated the American resolve to never give up, no matter how difficult the fight.

I think the same applies to the American will to improve our nation’s economy. As we celebrate a symbolic victory for national security, Congress is still working on behalf of the people in our districts to draft common sense policies to boost economic growth, create more jobs, and — with gas prices over $4 a gallon nationwide — we are also considering legislation to increase domestic energy production and lower the cost of gasoline.

Increasing gas prices can take a toll on the daily lives of our families, friends, and colleagues. When gas prices spike, it can severely shift and destroy pre-set and often well-planned household budgets. It can create choices none of us want or should have to make, like choosing between buying… Read More

Assemblyman Curt Hagman

Public Employee Unions Thwart End to Pensions for Politicians

Everyone knows that trying to pass any kind of meaningful public employee pension reform in the Democrat-dominated legislature would be an extremely difficult proposition. But surely Democrats would be eager to work across party lines and end the practice of politicians taking home generous pensions, right? Wrong.

In a display of how influential public employee unions truly are in Sacramento, their representatives came in droves to the Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security committee to oppose the common sense.Opposition included even those groups not affected by the bill.

Just to give a sense of the opposition; CalSTRS, SEIU, Professional Engineers in California Government, California State Sheriffs’ Association, California District Attorneys Association, California School Boards Association, Small School Districts’ Association, California Fraternal Order of Police, Professional Peace Officers Association and Judicial Council of California who are constitutionally exempt from my legislation.

So far the only possible compromise offered from the various organizations has been, “We’ll remove our opposition if you exempt… Read More

Brandon Powers

Why Republicans Need to Back Craig Huey and the California Republican Party Needs a Rational Endorsement Process

Flying way under the news radar for most Republicans outside of the South Bay part of Los Angeles is a Congressional Special Election to fill the seat of Jane Harman, who up and left Congress to head up a think tank.

The map of CD-36 is one of those that fueled the cries for redistricting reform over the last several years, taking in obviously very specially selected parts of the South Bay – but not others. And by others, I mean the Republican parts. As of February, the voter registration stats in the District were 45.28% Democrat to 27.46% Republican.

But those numbers are deceiving, as the gap between Democrats and Republicans among voters who actually turn out to vote in this District is much smaller. For instance, the last time this District saw a Special Election was the May 2009 Statewide Special Election. In that Election, among the 77,775 voters who turned out – 43.15% were Democrats and 39.38% were Republican.

That to say, of course it is a long shot for a Republican to capture this seat, but it is within the realm of possibility enough for Republicans to be anxiously… Read More

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