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Ray Haynes

Reading The Constitution Helps To Understand It

[Publisher’s Note: Ray is professionally engaged in this effort – Flash]

Call me a crazy strict constructionist, but I have always figured that the easiest way to discern what our founding fathers meant when they wrote the Constitution was to actually read the darn thing first. Maybe, just maybe, the words they used in the document might give us a clue as how they thought our government and our elections should work. We demand that the judges we nominate to the courts actually read and apply the words of the Constitution as written, perhaps we should demand the same of politicians and political activists who claim to invoke the Constitution as their guide. When it is clear they have no understanding of the history or the words of the Constitution, those commentaries cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged.

That was the first thing I thought when I read the article by Shawn Steel about National Popular Vote, and then saw his emails on the issue. He talked about the founder’s intent, and how the National Popular Vote program would “nullify” the Constitution. He also thought that… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD 67 Watch: Keith Carlson’s Impressive Campaign Builds Momentum

I couldn’t be more thrilled at the energy and momentum behind the campaign of my good friend Keith Carlson, who is running for the State Assembly in the 67th District in Orange County. AD 67 is currently represented by Assemblyman Jim Silva, who is running for the State Senate. Some FR readers already know Keith, who has penned columns for this site. He is a thoughtful, articulate conservative leader who would make an outstanding state legislator. During my four year tenure on the California Republican Party Board of Directors as the Vice Chairman, South, Keith was serving as Treasurer of the party — where he really did an outstanding job.

A couple of weeks ago Keith had a tremendous event at the beautiful Newport Coast home of Randall and Tom Phillips (Tom is the founder and owner of Phillips Publishing, and a great conservative icon in his own right). Emceed by Orange County GOP Chairman Emeritus Tom Fuentes, the event was well attended and you could feel the energy and enthusiasm for Keith’s candidacy. One of the attendees of this event took some video footage of both Keith’s… Read More

Jon Fleischman

For Long Beach, Plastic Bag Ban And Tax Is Bad Policy — For Councilman DeLong It’s Bad Politics

For those lovers of liberty and freedom in Long Beach, I have some bad news for you. This coming Tuesday, your city council is looking to pass a city-wide plastic grocery bag ban and tax ordinance that is identical to the one passed by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors last November. The action taken by the Los Angeles County Supervisors (on a split vote) was not only poor public policy, but also legally questionable. The last thing that cities like Long Beach should be doing is emulating the bad behavior of their County Supervisors. Ultimately, the County’s bag ban was approved by the three Democrats who hold the majority, and for whom creating yet another government mandate, and making life more expensive for Californians, is not a big deal.

First and foremost — why is a plastic bag ban for Long Beach poor public policy? I will start with the “Big Brother” issue, because it is the most egregious. Telling residents and business owners what bags they can and cannot use, and how much they will be charged (or how much they will charge) for a bag is… Read More

Jon Fleischman

More on the GOP No New Taxes Budget Blueprint (Video)

Asm. Republicans Discuss Budget Proposal from CA Assembly GOP on Vimeo.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Assembly Republican Leader Connie Conway: Assembly Republicans Propose ‘Roadmap to a No Tax Increase Budget’

The following exclusive column was just sent our way…

Assembly Republicans Propose ‘Roadmap to a No Tax Increase Budget’ By Assembly Republican Leader Connie Conway

Today, I sent a letter [Download Letter: Budget Letter to Speaker 051211 FINAL0001] to Speaker Pérez on behalf of Assembly Republicans, laying out what we are calling our “Roadmap to a No Tax Increase Budget.”

We have heard a constant drumbeat from Sacramento liberals that sky will fall unless the voters agree to a $55 billion tax increase. This is a myth. In fact, they want you to pay a massive tax hike so they can grow government by 31 percent. This shows how out of touch liberals really are with working families.

When I’m in the grocery store or at community events, my constituents tell me that they want their hard-earned tax dollars to go to the essentials, such as good local schools for their kids and ensuring police… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Is The CalChamber Playing Checkers When They Should Be Playing Chess?

George Skelton is the dean of the Capitol Press Corps — the left-of-center columnist for the Los Angeles Times started writing about the politics of the Golden State well before my parents even thought about conceiving my older brother, and I’m in my forties. To say that I often disagree with George would be an understatement — but that’s okay, he’ll tell you that it is mutual. Still, I have enjoyed a positive relationship with him going back to my rabble-rousing days back in the late 80’s and early 90’s as a conservative youth activist. As both an observer and a participant in the California political scene, I always read George’s columns — which are always well written, and fit well with the ideological “leftness” of his employer.

George’s column today is focused on state budget politics, and is mostly devoted to a political and policy play by Senate President Darrell Steinberg to put pressure on Republicans to agree to re-hiking all of the income, sales, and car taxes which end on June… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Medicare and Seniors and Such

Remember back in the early 2000’s when then-President George W. Bush proposed reforming Social Security with an option to set up “private accounts”? In spite of Republican control at the time of the White House, the House and the Senate, the proposal failed to garner the requisite 60 votes in the Senate and therefore did not become law. Democrats used this to some success in the next election by relentlessly pounding Republicans for trying to “end Social Security”.

It is now 10 years later and no reforms of any significance of any of the entitlement programs have been enacted. Like 10 years ago, Republicans are proposing another reform. But, unlike 10 years ago, the country’s financial situation is far more dire, with record deficits and record debt and all of the entitlement programs facing collapse. However, the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) political playbook remains unchanged. They are excoriating Republicans around the country for “voting to end Medicare” by supporting the Paul Ryan budget. Never mind that Medicare taxes currently only cover about half the cost of the program today. Never… Read More

Congressman Buck McKeon

Behind the Scenes of the National Defense Authorization Act Markup

I brought cameras behind the scenes before I went into the House Armed Services Full Committee Markup of the NDAA for FY 2012. You can watch here:


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