A Man to Teach You About Socialism
If you live in the United States, there is only one sure fire way to learn about the failings of Socialism. That is to sit down with a person who actually lived through it. I know a Bulgarian who will go off on a rant about Socialism’s evils at a drop of a hat. You could also get someone from, Cuba, Hungary, the Czech Republic, or a Ukrainian. They will give you clarity of the bestiality of Socialism. I found another man to enlighten you and your family.
If you have been a reader of this column you have known I have gone off on how the evils of Socialism in its many forms has been hidden from us. Go to a bookstore (yes, there are some left) and you will find a major section on Hitler and the Nazis. Book after book. Try and find more than one book on Stalin or Mao who were far more successful mass murderers. I get a movie every month about Nazi Germany shipped to me from Netflix. There are oodles of these movies. Try to find a movie on the evils of Mao or Stalin – nearly impossible until now.
I received a movie (Yes; Netflix still ships DVDs to your mailbox) entitled Mr. Jones. I had no clue what it was about.… Read More