Legislators Should “Do No Harm” To California’s Technology Incubator, Corbett’s SB 242 Is A Terrible Idea
California is known in the world for a lot of amazing things. One of them is that we are home to the incubator of amazing technological advances, centered in the Bay Area’s Silicon Valley. With all of the financial challenges facing the Golden State, one would assume that, at a minimum, our state’s politicians would adopt a “do no harm” strategy when it comes to wanting to foster and encourage the entrepreneurialism and job creation coming out of California’s technology sector. How does that saying go, “Methinks you presume too much…”
Bay Area State Senator Ellen Corbett has introduced Senate Bill 242 which threatens to disrupt the growing momentum behind social networks in here in California. Technology writer Adam Theirer’s recent column for Forbes suggested that her bill may pit the State of California versus the Internet. In so doing, she has also created a huge opportunity for the opponents of her bill. California’s technology industry is depending on members of the Senate to help them defeat Senator Corbett’s bill. Legislators can… Read More