We’re Supposed to Pray for Joe Biden
Note: This column was written on November 24th in anticipation of running today. It has one small change which is self-evident.
Joe Biden will soon fulfill his quest that has run for at least 33 years and probably more of becoming President of the United States. As loyal Americans we should fall in line and support him as our president. That is going to be difficult. Let me tell you why.
His pleas for unity within the country ring hollow. Starting with the death of George Floyd we had a series of riots that led to looting and murders across our country. Biden and his eventual V-P pick, Kamala Harris, refused to call them what they were – riots. They refused to call the Democrat-elected officials in charge of the areas and strongly suggest to them that they should put an end to it. While there were serious calls for defunding the police, which Biden had to know was heresy, he stood barely mumbling his displeasure with the idea. He displayed no leadership in defending the basic safety of many of our country’s citizens.
Subsequent to the election he failed another leadership test. He failed to denounce the various outcries for… Read More