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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Mike Spence

The Founding of Conservative Republicans of California

Last week I became firmly convinced that there were many conservatives that wanted a voice in the California Republican Party and local communities. Many of these conservatives didn’t view the existing vehicles as adequate for their political activism.

Out of that frustration Conservative Republicans of California was born.

There are several immediate issues that need attention. The fight to neuter the CRP Platform and the referendums to stop SB 48 and the” Amazon” Tax are all on us NOW. Throw in redistricting and the Top-Two Primary and there is plenty to do and Conservatives need as many hands on deck as possible.

I don’t think California’s problems are the result of having too many Conservative groups. The focus is to focus on less bureaucracy and more power to individuals and local organizations. CRC will be a sister organization to the California Conservative Coalition.

The first question I usually get relates to the California Republican assembly (CRA). CRA has a rich over 75 year history. As someone who was blessed to serve six years as CRA President I plan to stay a member of CRA. It has an important function. Two CRA Past… Read More

Richard Rider

U.S. mint keeps making useless coins that are warehoused

Okay, THIS one is special. EVERYONE — regardless of political persuasion or IQ — will agree that this is government madness at its best.

Ya want proof (so to speak)? Even ABC News figured it out!

Trust me — you’ll want to watch this 3 minute video. And then ask yourself this question — Why does ANYONE trust politicians to make economic decisions that control our lives?

Coins Costing Taxpayers? Federal government mints coins that nobody uses.

NOTE: Perhaps I unwisely gave ABC News the benefit of a doubt, crediting them with recognizing the absurdity of this madness.

Above is the ABC headline for the piece. But why in the world is it a QUESTION??? Is ABC not sure of the answer?… Read More

Shawn Steel

A Dagger to the National Public Vote

Last Friday, the finale of the Republican National Committee Summer Meeting in humid Tampa was the utter repudiation of the National Popular Vote [NPV]. A resolution opposing the National Popular Vote Compact won support of every voting RNC member but one who voted “present” instead of “yes.” No one can recall when nearly all 168 members of the RNC agreed on anything. Critics warn that a national popular vote would be a backdoor way of amending the Constitution, while shifting the center of gravity in presidential elections from the Founding Fathers’ vision of an urban-rural, large-small states balance to one with a much more urban.

The NPV was given new life with renegade billionaire Tom Golisano took over the fledgling campaign, after the initial post Bush/Gore election drive faltered. Golisano is a seven figure donor to the Democrat Party and ran as an ‘independent’ not once, or twice but three times against moderate Republican governor George Pataki. Golisano then moved to Florida and adopted NPV.

National Popular Vote [see their web site here] seeks to sidestep the Electoral College by… Read More

Bill Leonard

Where is Your Faith?

No this is not a theological essay. But I can go there if you want me to.

I am constantly amazed at the blind faith that so many people have in government. Government can and does make colossal mistakes. So do businesses, charities, and religious organizations but the big difference is that these other institutions are not monopolies. A business does you wrong and you move on. A government does you wrong and you have no choice but to get in line again.

The post office has stolen from me. I ordered a lamp and did not check the shipper. When it did not arrive I found out that it was shipped USPS the monopoly bureaucracy. By their own website I was able to track the shipment to the local postal station. At that point it disappears never delivered. I called the office and later submitted a postal theft complaint form. Nothing. Not even the courtesy of an acknowledgement.

CalTrans is risking lives. Sherry and I just returned from a trip to Spokane. Traveling I-5 in the summer is always a challenge. I appreciate that summer is the best time for road work but I also see how CalTrans is not held accountable for its errors. Too often there were… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Another Call For Taxpayer Subsidies For Candidates…

The left of center Center for Government Studies, based in Los Angeles, has released yet another study where they wax on about the positive benefits of further limiting the amount of contributions that can be made to candidates, and once again calling for taxpayers to finance the campaigns of candidates.

There are a lot of principled reasons as to why this proposal is a very poor one.

But there is one very practical reason as to why it will never be a political viable one. No one wants to have their tax dollars used to subsidize the political speech (campaign mailers, television, radio, etc.) of candidates who do not represent their views.

Wait a second, there are some taxpayers who might like this idea. The ones who thought this guy should have been elected President of the United States…

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Jon Fleischman

Guest Column: Asm. Diane Harkey: “As California Goes, So Goes The Nation?”

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We are pleased to share this original commentary…

AS CALIFORNIA GOES, SO GOES THE NATION? By Assemblywoman Diane Harkey If you believe that our state’s influence is waning, take a second look. While California may be declining in economic power, our political muscle is unfortunately being felt in Washington, DC. The brinksmanship, confusion over who is in charge, constantly changing, last minute negotiation of legislation, and the final outcome of the debt ceiling debacle is vintage California hard-core, partisan left, San Francisco politics.

The ultimate outcome depends on what type of government can be sold to the American people. Do we beleive in equal outcomes or equal opportunities? Should we redistribute private wealth or encourage private wealth creation?

Never let a good crisis go to waste, is a key component of the California and DC strategy. At this pivotal time in our nation’s history, the answers to the two questions posed above depend on what you beleive about the 2007 market crash. Was the bubble and subsequent crash caused by… Read More

Mike Spence

You Asked For It: CRP Platform Drafting Committee Votes

I have received many emails asking who voted to send a draft platform that eliminates several conservative planks. Here is your answer. Below is the list of elected drafting platform committee members present at the meeting. Only two, myself and the Honorable Craig DeLuz. Voted against the neutered draft and in favor of amendments that restored deleted sections. Don’t be fooled the first vote was to send the draft to the full committee that had no language on marriage, guns, and a vague one on life. That is the official draft. The rest are “suggestions”.

Those listed below voted against thos amendments or were silent during the voting. This attendance list is from the CRP.

Hector Barajas Claudia Bermudez Rob Bernosky Hon.Bill Berryhill Greg Conlon Paul Cummings Jim DiSanto Margaret Dominici Jim Faison Gregory Grandrud Doris Gentry Ryan Hatcher Eric Hickok Dr. Marvin Jones Morgan Kelley Virginia Kiraly Leonard Lanzi Hon.Jim Nielsen Michael Osborn Laura Peter Dana Reed Brad Torgan Ryan Trabucco Dan Trimble… Read More

Richard Rider

National Debt? Chump change compared to TOTAL fed, state & local govt debts and liabilities

The problem with us obsessing about the national debt is that this flap detracts us from the FAR larger TOTAL government debt and unfunded liability obligations. By normal human being standards, the $14.5+ trillion national debt is unimaginably huge. As of 5 August, the constantly growing per citizen obligation for that debt comes to $46,844.12 – according to the National Debt Clock.

The average number of people in an American “household” (defined as people living together) is 2.11. Hence the per household piece of the official national debt is $98,924.49.

But according to an April 2011 USA TODAY article, the TOTAL per U.S. household debt owed to governments is now $531,472 – the household’s piece of the estimated $61.7 trillion U.S. federal, state and local government debt/liability obligation. At 5% interest, the household bill is $26,573.60. EVERY year — foolishly assuming zero future… Read More

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