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Meredith Turney

Assemblyman Tim Donnelly has a Question for Jerry Brown

The congressional approval rating recently hit a rock-bottom 12%. The Tea Party movement was founded on the public’s dissatisfaction with elected leaders and the growth of government–particularly its inefficiencies. This discontent signifies a deep-rooted disconnect. Voters feel more than ever that their voices aren’t heard in the halls of power. They think their votes don’t matter. And they think that no matter what they do, their leaders won’t listen to their concerns. The contentious townhall meetings last summer and simmering public rage that boiled over are just one example of this growing sentiment.

It’s this disconnect between the public and its government that led Orange County entrepreneur Tim Yale to found a new social network called (I am excited to be doing some professional work with Tim.) The site allows members to join for free and then post either written or video questions on their representatives’ profile pages. To get an answer, the question must meet a certain threshold of votes… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Adventures In Babysitting: Nanny State To Sue For Rest Break?

How will parents react when they find out they will be expected to provide workers’ compensation benefits, rest and meal breaks and paid vacation time for…babysitters? Dinner and a movie night may soon become much more complicated.

Assembly Bill 889 (authored by Assemblymember Tom Ammiano of San Francisco) will require these protections for all “domestic employees,” including nannies, housekeepers and caregivers. The bill has already passed the Assembly and is quickly moving through the Senate with blanket support from the Democrat members that control both houses of the Legislature – and without the support of a single Republican member. Assuming the bill will easily clear its last couple of legislative hurdles, AB 889 will soon be on its way to the Governor’s desk.

Under AB 889, household “employers” (aka “parents”) who hire a babysitter on a Friday night will be legally obligated to pay at least minimum wage to any sitter over the age of 18 (unless it is a family member), provide a substitute caregiver every two hours to cover rest and meal breaks, in addition to workers’ compensation coverage, overtime pay, and a meticulously calculated… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Conservatives Are Not Of One Mind On The “Amazon Tax”

Lest we be accused of not sharing all perspectives on an issue, FR friend Rex Hime, President of the California Business Properties Association, sent this my way and I thought it worth sharing… This concerns the so-called “Amazon Tax” that would require online retailers doing business in California to collect sales taxes and provide them to the state…

Republicans and conservatives from across the country oppose giving special treatment to a handful of online-only retailers like Amazon. A level playing field that gets government out of the business of picking winners and losers is the best strategy for growing small businesses and creating jobs.

Republicans across the nation have recognized that e-fairness is about creating a fair competitive market, and providing all businesses – large and small – opportunities to remain a cornerstone for American entrepreneurship.

In fact, when Governor Rick Perry signed the law and an overwhelmingly number of Texas Republican legislators passed e-fairness, the Texas Conservative Coalition went so far as to say in their Read More

Congressman John Campbell

AB 1215: A Good Bill for California

In response to Jon Fleischman’s August 23rd column entitled “AB 1215 – Mandating That a Fee Cannot Be Called a Fee – Seriously”, I would like to offer a different opinion. Although I’m a four-term Congressman, in a prior life I owned and operated a number of new car dealerships in California and am very familiar with California’s “price control” on the amount a dealer can charge to perform a host of work required by the state.

AB 1215, a bill currently before the California Legislature, would for the first time in 5 years raise the statutory cap the Legislature imposes on private dealer businesses to perform state-mandated title and registration paperwork, in addition to a plethora of other state-mandated requirements (for example, providing consumers “free” credit scores, other credit disclosures, tire chain notices, license bracket notices, etc.). Even with the increase, California would still have the second lowest cap in the country – most states have no cap at all. California imposes no such… Read More

Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher

The First Step In Reforming Our State’s Budget Process: Performance Based Budgeting

We need to fundamentally change the way the state conducts its business. Today the Assembly passed legislation I was proud to be the principal co-author of dealing with performance-based budgeting. We must make state government more accountable, more transparent and ultimately, more effective.

I am the proud principal co-author of Senate Bill 14 (SB 14) that will put in place performance-based budgeting. Currently, the state budget operates on the principle of baseline budgeting. Many programs take the previous year’s amount and factor in an automatic increase. So what is often discussed in public as a cut is, in fact, simply a reduction in the rate of growth. This not only confuses the public, but also shifts the debate. Instead of focusing on whether a program is working efficiently or is even needed, the entire discussion becomes about the size of the increase.

The baseline model does not facilitate discussion or agreement on priorities. Instead, it needs to be about goals and desired results. Under the baseline model, state officials do not have the necessary information to determine which programs are really working. Baseline budgeting does not… Read More

James V. Lacy

Democrats move to push all initiative votes to November will contribute to massive voter confusion and non-voting

The latest move by liberal Democrats to disenfranchise Californians from their right to petition government is a move acknowledged by State Senate leader Darrell Steinberg that would push all such initiatives off the June 2012 ballot and consolidate them on the November ballot. And what reporters like Dan Walters are missing in their pieces on this last minute sneak attack on the franchise in the Legislature is what the November 2012 ballot would actually look like if Steinberg is successful. Ugly is the word, and according to most people who study the relationship between ballot size and voting, the result will be less public participation and significant voter “fall off” from voting.

This is because every scientific study that exists of voter attitudes demonstrates that the more information that is placed into voter pamphlets and the longer the ballot becomes by adding more measures, the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senate GOP Leader Dutton to Legislative Democrats on Jobs – ‘Do No More Harm’

We don’t typically reprint press releases, but this one contains a great sample of the kind of STUPID, JOB KILLING legislation that California Democrats are advancing through the legislature. It is unbelievable that at a time when regulatory relief is needed, that they would simply continue to pile on more barriers to job creation… Also, remember that these bills below are just a sliver of the vast quantity of bad bills going through the legislative process… Senate GOP Leader Dutton to Legislative Democrats on Jobs – ‘Do No More Harm’

Sacramento – Senate Republican Leader Bob Dutton (Rancho Cucamonga) released the following statement today calling for Legislative Democrats to join with Republicans in voting down any legislation that will further hurt the economy:

Two weeks ago yesterday, the legislative Democrats promised to focus on job creation in the last three and half weeks of this legislative session. There are now less than two weeks to make good on that promise.Read More

James V. Lacy

Breaking news: “Citizen’s” Redistricting Commission files petition to interfere with signature gathering on redistricting referendum

The “Citizen’s” Redistricting Commission, which rendered redistricting lines that assure one party super-majority control of the California Legislature for the next decade, (didn’t Mao Tse Tung also do that in China?) filed a petition (paid for by us taxpayers) with Attorney General Kamala Harris today arguing small points about wording of documents related to the approved referendum and signature circulation to quality it. In the petition, the “Citizen’s” Commission calls on the Democratic Attorney General from San Francisco to interfere with the signature gathering time frames and stop current collection efforts until the highly technical wording issues are resolved, thus putting the rest of us at a huge disadvantage and cutting against Proposition 11’s intent to give a referendum challenge a half-way decent chance of qualifying before the June election.

Details are at the self-absorbed URL:

It seems we are going to become a one-party state no matter what.… Read More

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