San Diego Pension Reform Group Turns in 145K+ Signatures to Qualify for Ballot
In a striking blow to the San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council and Labor Union bosses around the state, the San Diego Pension Reform measure appears to be on its way to the ballot box this morning.
Comprehensive Pension Reform (CPR) for San Diego is announcing at this moment that the campaign turned in a whopping 145,027 signatures to the San Diego City Clerk’s office early this morning to qualify the measure for the June 2012 ballot.
More than 120,000 of those signatures have been verified already using a 100% signature verification method, according to the CPR campaign. The 145,000+ signature turn-in is well in excess of the 94,346 valid signatures which are required to place the measure on the ballot.
In a failed effort that received much media attention, public employee union bosses attempted to keep this and other measures off the ballot by running phony radio ads to scare people from signing, over fear of identity theft. Today’s overwhelming turn-in proves that labor’s efforts to intimidate and deceive voters were trumped by the desire of citizens to achieve real pension reform.… Read More