*BREAKING* Paperwork filed today to refer SB 202 to the voters!
The ink is hardly dry on Governor Brown’s signature on SB 202, the measure that violates last year’s budget agreement (which included the placement of a “rainy day fund” measure on the June 2012 ballot) and fulfills the wishes of the state’s massive public employee unions who want all future qualified initiatives on the November ballot in order to avoid the Stop Special Interests Now ballot measure from being placed on a more hospitable June ballot.
That said, the FlashReport has confirmed through solid sources that the paperwork filing a referendum on SB 202 has already been filed with the Secretary of State’s office. Opponents of SB 202 will have three months to gather around 504,000 valid signatures. If they do so, then SB 202 will be suspended until the public can vote on it — and it would have the effect of letting the Stop Special Interests Now! (which had over 800,000 signatures turned in on petitions today) appear in June.
Here is the letter that was filed before 5 p.m. with the Secretary of State’s… Read More