GOP Assemblywoman Olsen Drops Thousands Of RoboCalls Into SF Blasting Senator Leland Yee
What started as a dispute on Twitter has now escalated into a full-on political battle between one of the legislature’s most liberal members and one of its most conservative. In her inaugural tweet, newcomer to Twitter Assemblywoman Kristin Olsen of Modesto, a Republican, tweeted that she was proud was the only one in the 80-member Assembly to score a perfect zero from the Sierra Club (an achievement of which any rational personal can be proud, as the Sierra Club is an extremely liberal group). It didn’t take long for the Adam Keigwin, Chief of Staff to one of the legislature’s most liberal members, Senator Leland Yee of San Francisco, to harass Olsen on Twitter because of her tweet. Yee recently was the recipient of the California Sierra Club’s coveted Phil Burton Treehugger Award.
Apparently Assemblywoman Olsen then attempted to get a hold of Senator Yee directly, by calling his cell phone, to discuss things. Alas, Yee must have been too busy speaking to the #OCCUPYSF rally to return her call. She is still waiting for a… Read More