Thursday Random Thoughts
Pundits have written that one intra-party show-down due to redistricting is a face-off between Republican Congressmen Gary Miller and Ed Royce. Apparently, however, Gary Miller still hasn’t gotten the memo. We’ve been nosing around and no one can tell whether Miller is actually going to challenge Royce or not. While Royce has been his usual Energizer-Bunny self, racking up endorsements and holding high profile events, Miller’s side of things has been dead silent, causing many to question whether Miller is actually going to run at all. Miller’s website still touts his endorsements from his 2010 run. Federal Election Commission reports have come out and in the latest reporting period, Miller pulled in $54,789, leaving him with $1,007,753 in the bank. During that same period of time Royce raised $352,878, and has $3,048,573 in the bank. In reviewing Royce’s report, it is impressive that nearly $200,000 of the funds he’s recently raised came from individual donors (with about two-thirds of that coming from the OC, but also a third coming from Los Angeles County). This is significant because local donations are a strong measure of … Read More