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Tab Berg

Taxpayer funded arena? Let taxpayers vote on it!

Vote in my Facebook Poll on requiring a public vote before using taxpayer funds or assets for Sports Arena.

My latest editorial in the Sacramento Bee:

Viewpoints: Financing deal for Sacramento arena needs a hard look By T.A. Berg Special to The Bee

Now that the kickoff pep rallies for a new arena are over, it’s time to put away the pompoms and take a more sober look at the proposed arena financing deal, which is starting to show a few cracks.

First, let’s dispense with the scarcely believable claim that the arena isn’t all about the Sacramento Kings. Every time proponents try to spin that yarn, the deal becomes less credible. This is a basketball arena… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Breaking News – The Roger Hedgecock Show to move to 760 KFMB-AM

In order to get this breaking news to you quickly, we are posting their press release in its original format. Thank you, Roger, for giving us this news an hour before the rest of the world! – Flash


The Roger Hedgecock Show to begin airing on

Talk Radio 760 KFMB-AM after new year

(San Diego, CA) – For over 20 years, The Roger Hedgecock Show has dominated talk radio in San Diego. Starting January 2, 2012, the popular host will make Talk Radio 760 KFMB his new radio home.

“I am excited to join the KFMB family that has been a staple of the San Diego community for so long,” said Roger Hedgecock. “I’ve been planning to bring our show to multiple platforms, and KFMB will make the perfect partner for doing that.”

“KFMB has always been about mirroring our community, and Roger is synonymous with San Diego. No host reflects the views and concerns of San Diegans better than… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Taxpayers Take On L.A. County’s Unconstitutional Grocery Bag Tax

With inflation eating away at Californians’ buying power, going to the grocery store has become an increasingly expensive activity for the average family. But in their quest to create an environmentally-friendly utopia, California liberals don’t seem to care that families are struggling to pay those hefty grocery bills. The most blatant example of this insensitivity is the imposition of a new grocery bag tax.

Several cities and counties across the state have passed or are considering plastic bag bans in order to placate the demands of the environmental elites. As part of the bans, local municipalities also impose a 5 or 10-cent tax per bag if customers fail to bring their own grocery bags to the store. This tax increase was never brought before voters and as such is a violation of last year’s Proposition 26, which specifically precludes a new tax—or euphemistically referred to as a “fee” to skirt tax laws—without a two-thirds vote. Los Angeles County passed such an ordinance in its unincorporated areas and it went into effect July 1.

Now, taxpayers are fighting back against L.A. County to challenge its unconstitutional tax on grocery store… Read More

Barry Jantz

Breaking: Chris Reed ends his KOGO run tonight — Roger Hedgecock too?

Cross-posted to SD Rostra

Readers may want to listen to KOGO-AM 600 today at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. for some announcements.

Tonight’s 6-8 p.m. Top Story on KOGO will be the final broadcast for Chris Reed.

I couldn’t reach him for comment, although I’m pretty sure Reed wouldn’t be inclined to say anything. I also have a message in to KOGO management for a direct confirmation. In the meantime, I’ve verified the news through credible sources.

The news comes following a report this week that Roger Hedgecock is also departing KOGO after about 25 years, as well as a Clear Channel job posting seeking a new KOGO talk show host.

Given Reed’s conservative-libertarian flair, some in San Diego will no doubt try to incorrectly paint the departure — and that of Hedgecock — in a political light. Insiders say, however,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Brown Dumps More Schwarzenegger Appointees; Oil & Gas Regulator Gets A Deserved Heave-Ho

Elena Miller, who was named Director of the state’s Department of Oil, Gas andGeothermal Resources (DOGGR) two years ago by former Governor ArnoldSchwarzenegger apparently had been too busy to attend meetings related toCalifornia’s oil and gas producers whom she is tasked with the job of regulating. That may be one reason why Governor Brown has decided that theposition needs a change of direction. Miller’s boss, Acting Department ofConservation Director Derek Chernow was also shown the door yesterday. EvanWestrup, a spokesman for Governor Brown confirmed for the BakersfieldCalifornian, “Both appointees served at the pleasure of the governor and werethanked for their service this evening.”

You can be quite sure that no tears were shed in California’s oil patch… Read More

Congressman Tom McClintock

Back to Basics with the Balanced Budget Amendment

The following is a speech from the floor that I delivered November 2, 2011, and wanted to share it with FlashReport readers…

The International Monetary Fund estimated that as of Halloween night, the debt of this nation surpassed its entire economy for the first time since World War II. We all know that if you live beyond your means today you must live below your means tomorrow. That’s the tomorrow that our generation has created for the children who were dressed up as princesses and cowboys when they came calling on Monday. That is our generation’s eternal shame, and something that our generation must set right.

The House is expected soon to vote on a balanced budget amendment that is critical to stop this plunder of our children. There are a number of excellent proposals out there and I would have no trouble supporting any of them.

I do rise, however, to express the hope that the final product of these deliberations proves worthy of the wisdom that guided the drafting of the Constitution.

The beauty of the American Constitution is in its simplicity and its humility. The American Founders recognized Cicero’s wisdom… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Perry Announces CA Finance Leadership Team

Just in from Austin…

Gov. Rick Perry Announces California Finance Leadership Team Business and Technology Industry Leaders Spearhead Fundraising Efforts Statewide

Texas Gov. Rick Perry today announced his California finance leadership team, including Paul Folino, John Harris, E. Floyd Kvamme, Dean Spanos and Mike Tuchin as finance chairs.

“I am honored to have such a strong team of California business and community leaders join my campaign fundraising efforts,” said Gov. Perry. “With their support and hard work, we will run a strong campaign, to spark American job creation, take a wrecking ball to the Washington establishment, cut federal spending and get America working again.”

Gov. Perry has named the following individuals to his California finance leadership team:

Paul Folino, Statewide Finance Chair Folino is currently executive chairman of the board of directors of Emulex, an information technology product manufacturer headquartered in Costa Mesa, specializing in servers, network and storage devices for data centers.… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Heartless Republicans

Those of us who have spent our political careers trying to keep taxes low and rein in government overspending are often called “heartless” by the opposition. I remember a time in the California Assembly when a Democratic colleague went to the floor and accused me of killing children, an accusation which she was forced to retract. Another time on that same floor, a different Democrat inquired how blood ran through my body since I clearly had no heart to pump it.

It is unfortunate that many in society seem to find fiscal responsibility and caring for the needy to be mutually exclusive objectives. It is so unfortunate because it is not true. In fact, I firmly believe that one is necessary to do the other.

As regular readers of this missive know, I believe that it is our moral imperative to care for those in need around us. But, where I differ from some of our more liberal friends is on the means to accomplish that goal. President Lyndon Johnson declared “war on poverty” back in the 60s. Tons of new programs were set up and tens of trillions of dollars have been spent on this “war” in the intervening 40+ years. And,… Read More

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