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Meredith Turney

To Save the Planet, Build Bigger Freeways

If you live in California, then you know just how irritating traffic can be. The traffic is so bad–especially in Los Angeles–that Carmageddon seems like a more appropriate term for daily commute times. For years Californians have been warned by the environmental elite that it’s because of our addiction to the fossil fuels that power our vehicles that our environment is crumbling. To try and “save” the planet, the environmentalists in charge of California government have passed draconian measures such as AB 32 to control or behavior and conform it to their vision of a utopian society (i.e., a society where they tell us what to do instead of allowing us to live in freedom).

Well, what if it was bad government–not average citizens’ behavior–that’s causing the problem?

A study published by the Texas Transportation Institute indicates that it’s California’s lack of infrastructure that’s causing huge problems for the economy and environment. The study looked at 328 of the… Read More

Mike Spence

My Political Career is Over and Other Morsels From L.A. County Elections.

On May 12, 2011, as a member of the West Covina Unified School District Board of Education I voted to terminate the contract of the Superintendent. As these things go it was a tumultuous affair. I left the meeting after the announcement hoping that the angry supporters of the Superintendent would just let me get to my car. On the way out a West Covina Planning Commissioner, resident of Rowland Unified School District and candidate for West Covina City Council HERB REDHOLTZ told me, “Your political career is over”. I quipped that maybe I would run for council. Of course I didn’t run for council, I sought re-election.

Fast forward to November 8, 2011 results.

The results for THREE seats in West Covina Unified



The results for TWO Seats on the West Covina City Council


Not gloating, I’m just… Read More

Jon Fleischman

You Can’t Put A Cork In A Geyser – Even Though Public Employee Union Bosses Would Like To Do Just That

As a matter of practical math, currently public employee total compensation (salary, benefits, retirement benefits) are unsustainable. If you look all around California, you start to see more and more examples of local governments who are looking at drastic cuts in basic services as personnel cots — especially on the public safety side — gobble up an ever-increasing portion of government budgets. Given the kinds of cuts that are taking place in the state budget, it is clear that money that could be used for services instead is going to increase the membership of the $100,000+ annual pension club. Perhaps the most sobering reality out there is that despite the ever-increasing amounts of funds being allocated to fund employee compensation, there is a still a vast unfunded liability that a Stanford University study pegs high as 500 billion dollars. While these are large numbers, I cannot imagine that anyone is surprised. We have a system where vast numbers of government employees are retiring as early as 50 years of age and then being paid at full-time employee salary levels for the rest of their lives. Seriously.

Today,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Payne: Bullet Train Boondoggle

From the Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail… (Congrats to FR blogger Adam Probolsky for his firm’s mention)

Bullet Train Boondoggle

Florida, Ohio and Wisconsin turned down plans to build high-speed rail lines in their cash-strapped states for fear of cost over-runs and delays. But an updated business plan from the California High-Speed Rail Authority shows that those fears are turning into reality for the Golden State — which has made the development of bullet trains a priority.

A new business plan released last week estimated that the cost of the San Francisco-to-Los Angeles high-speed line will reach $98.5 billion dollars. That’s three times more than the $33 billion projected when California voters approved $9 billion in bond funding in 2008, and twice as expensive as was estimated just two years ago. The line was also supposed to be completed by 2020. But the new plan estimates that it won’t be fully operational until more than a decade later in 2033. Construction hasn’t even begun yet.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Once Again, Legislators Participating In Hawaii Junket Show Poor Judgement

I was going to write a commentary expressing my frustration at a chunk of the California State Legislature participating in an annual junket to Maui. As I started, I realized that I have already written this commentary – several times. Below is my commentary from last year, which other than the reference to a parallel junket to Kauai which I don’t think is taking place this year, is still relevant today.

To be clear, there are two separate, issues here — relative to critiquing the thought process of a legislator participating in the junket. The first is whether they think it is appropriate for these special interests (who have vested interests in the legislation on which they vote) to fund their junket – laundering it through a non-profit. The second question, which I think is probably a more significant one, is why they think it is a good idea, in a time of significant budget cuts and belt tightening, to be traveling with a pack of their colleagues to Hawaii at all. If you can afford to go to HawaiiRead More

Bob Loewen

A New Conversation About Illegal Immigration

A New Conversation About Illegal Immigration By Robert Loewen, President, Orange County Lincoln Club Illegal immigration is among the most emotionally charged and divisive issues facing conservatives and Republicans. In election after election, especially in primaries, Republicans have used it as a wedge issue against fellow Republicans.

It’s such a difficult issue that most Republican strategists and elected officials who follow the polls say, ‘don’t even talk about it’; ‘just focus on jobs’. And I agree the economy should be front and center and Republicans should be focused on how to offer conservative solutions to restart private-sector job growth.

Still, we can’t afford to sweep the immigration issue under the rug. Not only because of the rising number of Latino voters, who are hungry for a solution that has eluded them under the current Administration, but because the problem of illegal immigration is destroying the economic and social fabric of our country. And Democrats are vulnerable on this issue. Conservatives have an opportunity to change the conversation about illegal immigration in a… Read More

Jon Coupal

HJTA Threatens to Sue over Fire Tax

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association announced todayour intention to sue the State of California if it attempts to collect a new fire tax that could cost homeowners an additional $150 per year.

As the State’s largest taxpayer organization, weplan to file a lawsuit on the grounds that the new fire tax qualifies as a tax increase under Proposition 13 and should have required a two-thirds vote in the Legislature.

This new tax conjured up by Governor Brown and his hand-picked State Fire Board creates an undue hardship on California homeowners who are already struggling to pay their mortgages. Homeowners and taxpayers in California have had enough of the state budget shell games. The fire tax is illegal, and if implemented, we will fight to have it overturned.

Before a suit can be filed, the state must begin collecting the new tax so that Jarvis lawyers can represent as plaintiffs those who must pay, meaning the actual legal battle will not begin until sometime next year. HJTA has already lined up hundreds of homeowners who have volunteered to act as plaintiffs as soon as they receive a tax bill.

We’ll keep you updated.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

As Supreme Court Determines Future of Redevelopment, Private Property Rights Group Scores State Legislators

Few California taxpayers know much about redevelopment agencies and how they spend taxpayer dollars. This may change as the California State Supreme Court begins hearings today on the future of California’s redevelopment agencies (RDA).

RDA critics, chiefly advocates for private property rights and taxpayers, have submitted an amicus brief with the Court that refers to redevelopment as the “Money Pit,” largely because taxpayers are subsidizing private development,luxury golf courses, sports arenas, and even a Mermaid bar to the tune of over $5 billion a year!

While defenders of redevelopment claim that RDAs are needed now more than ever in these tough economic times, the independent State Legislative Analyst’s Office found there is no reliable evidence that they have created new jobs. All the while,politicians are cutting funding for police and fire protection, parks and classrooms.

There are some 425 redevelopment agencies (RDA) in… Read More

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