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Congressman Tom McClintock

Cracking Freedom’s Foundation

The following is a speech from the floor that I delivered December 14, 2011, and wanted to share it with FlashReport readers…

Mr. Speaker:

I rise in opposition to Section 1021 of the underlying Conference Report (H.R. 1540, the National Defense Authorization Act).

This section specifically affirms that the President has the authority to deny due process to any American it charges with “substantially supporting al Qaeda, the Taliban or any ‘associated forces'” – whatever that means.

Would “substantial support” of an “associated force,” mean linking a web-site to a web-site that links to a web-site affiliated with al-Qaeda? We don’t know. The question is, “do we really want to find out?”

We’re told not to worry – that the bill explicitly states that nothing in it shall alter existing law.

But wait. There isno existing law that gives the President the power to ignore the Bill of Rights and detain Americans without due process. There is only an assertion by the last two presidents that this power is inherent… Read More

Richard Rider

Some CA exports BOOMING. But sadly, the wrong kind of exports.

Today I spoke for a few minutes on a conference call to state tax experts, lobbyists and activists across the nation — one of several speakers on a call sponsored by the Tax Foundation.

It was an awesome audience. And I DO mean awesome — I was thoroughly intimidated.

Let me tell you one thing — they LOVE California! Especially our state and local governments. Our “Golden State” is helping almost ALL their state economies with our exports.

Our primary exports? Wealth, prosperity, businesses and human capital. And unlike most exports, the folks in other states receiving our outflow don’t even have to pay for these wonderful products!

As we Californians know all too well, the generosity of our politicians knows no bounds.… Read More

James V. Lacy

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan recall petition now in circulation

The petition to recall Oakland Mayor Jean Quan that is being backed by members of the Occupy Oakland movement who are upset with her management of their activities has been approved by the City Clerk and is now in circulation. You can download a copy of the petition here: Recall Petition Jean Quan

Though the recall is led by Occupy members the grounds for the recall includes a curious statement that Quan raised parcel taxes too much, suggesting some outreach to conservative opponents of Quan is sought. Recall proponents have roughly 45 days to circulate the petition and will need 20,000 or so signatures of Oakland voters to qualify the recall. If the recall is qualified it will likely be consolidated with the June primary election. If voters agree to recall Quan, the top vote getter in the recall election would become Mayor without a run-off election.… Read More

Jon Fleischman


[Publisher’s Note – There are a lot of legislative scorecards out there. Some are great on business issues. Others are good on social issues. Some are awesome on property rights. Others still on gun ownership rights. But hands-down the best legislative scorecard from the conservative side of the aisle, that rates the legislature from a broad perspective, is the annual scorecard of the California Republican Assembly. The new CRA scorecard has been released. Below is an introduction to it, followed by a link to see it online. I was particularly pleased that CRA rated AB26x — which should have passed the legislature by unanimous vote, which would have abolished Californian’s Soviet-style redevelopment agencies. How did your legislator score? Read on… – Jon Fleischman, FR Publisher and CRA Past President]


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Richard Rider

Dishonest PPIC poll on CA tax increases omits adverse effects

San Diego Tax Fighters

Voice: (858) 530-3027


Tuesday, 13 December, 2011

Press Release – Authored by Richard Rider, Chairman

PPIC survey showing big support for Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed tax increases cleverly omits adverse effects of soaking the rich

AT LAST! A workable progressive solution to California’s income inequality problem. Raise taxes big-time on the state’s millionaires, and drive the rich out of the Golden State. Problem solved!

A new PPIC poll show that a comfortable majority of likely California voters support Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed tax increases. But the poll omitted crucial facts. Not surprising, since, in spite of its carefully cultivated image as an objective think tank, PPIC is clearly is a left of center… Read More

Jon Fleischman

We Agree With State GOP Chairman Tom Del Beccaro – PPIC Question Is Bunk

Every few months I am forced to write another commentary reminding our readers that survey results are a function of the questions you ask. As I always point out, if you ask: “Would you like to see a 25% cut in the ticket prices at Disneyland?” The response will be overwhelming in support. But if you ask: “There is a proposal to reduce the ticket prices at Disneyland by 25%, but in doing so one out of every five rides will be closed the day you go. Would you support that?” You will get a much different answer.

This morning California Republican Party Chairman Tom Del Beccaro had a great post up on his Facebook page. I’ve “lifted it” and placed it below…




On that alleged poll saying CA supports taxes – it was taken among a “adults” – a non-existent category. Polling should beRead More

Congressman John Campbell

Europe’s Effect

Europe’s Effect: Europe is a long ways away. It may seem like what happens there can’t be of that much consequence to us in America. But, that’s not true. Just as conflicts that ignited in Europe in the 20th century dragged us into two world wars, the effects of economic unrest on that continent will involve us, as well – whether we like it or not.

To coin a phrase, Europe is in economic deep doo-doo. They are suffering a huge crisis born of too much debt of which the causes and potential cures are far too complex for a meaningful analysis in this short format. Suffice it to say that Europeans have given themselves a lot of socialistic benefits without paying for them, instead choosing to borrow the money. The resulting union-dominated socialism has led to very little growth. Italy, for example, has had zero GDP growth in 10 years! Without GDP growth, you cannot grow wages, benefits, government, or social and environmental policy. But, they have tried to do all of that. Germany is the most prosperous country in Europe, but even their prosperity has not been pure. Note that 50% of all of Germany’s products are exported; most… Read More

Jon Fleischman

San Berdo Supervisor Neil Derry Hosts Event To Help Quality Referendum on “Dream Act”

San Bernardino County Supervisor Neil Derry sponsored an event in Highland (in the Inland Empire) to gather signatures for the effort to refer Assembly Bill 131 — the so-called “Dream Act” — to the voters of California…

Repealing Sacramento’s Nightmare “Dream Act” By San Bernardino County Supervisor Neil Derry

Guaranteeing in-state college tuition for illegal immigrants? Creating a fiscal incentive to reward illegal behavior and deny thousands of CaliforniaRead More

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