Coupal, Del Beccaro and Sowell – Tuesday Reading…
If you are checking in with us during the holidays, I would like to draw your attention today to three worthy columns… The first, right here on the FlashReport, is a commentary from Jon Coupal of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, the second a piece by California Republican Party Chairman Tom Del Beccaro that appears on his Political Vanguard website, and finally Thomas Sowell’s latest “Random Thoughts” column that appears over at Townhall… All of the links are below!
RECAPPING THE YEAR FOR TAXPAYERS Jon Coupal, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association
As our planet completes another trip around the sun, we at the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association join in the tradition of taking stock of what has been accomplished during the year just ending and assess what challenges we face in the coming year.
For a… Read More