Posted by Jon Fleischman at 4:00 am on Dec 23, 2011 2 Comments
The media has been slow to catch on, but slowly, way too slowly,
people are beginning to realize there is an ugliness to Consumer
Let us strip away the veneer immediately. Consumer
Watchdog has much less to do with protecting the consumer and much
more to do with enriching the corporate lawyers who make up their
top management. Under the imprimatur of protecting consumers
in the State of California, or being gadflies for justice, these
snakes who, in some circles, have managed to be labeled
butterflies, have enriched themselves to the score of millions of
dollars. So let’s be clear here, Consumer Watchdog is a
sham organization whose ultimate victims are the very consumers
they purport to champion. And of course the organization’s
founder, Harvey Rosenfield, a trial lawyer and protege of wacky
Ralph Nader, has become a wealthy man while “looking out” for all
of us.
Earlier this year, even the most liberal policymakers were
forced to step back and repudiate the Consumer Watchdog’s
actions. In an example of the kind of nastiness they purport
to reject, Consumer Watchdog created a controversy from a
ten-second… Read More