Denying A Coronation Gives Both Romney and Gingrich A Chance To Inspire Me – Good luck.
Given my strong desire to see that President Barack Obama is returned to the private sector after only one term — it is pretty alarming to me how dispassionate, or non-interested I am in this new battle for the Republican nomination between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. While I had endorsed Texas Governor Rick Perry early on, and still feel strongly that of all of the contenders he would have made the best President, unfortunately he did not make the best candidate.
I could pen two entire columns (or more) on Romney and Gingrich, and the particular aspects of each that have them fall significantly short of where I need a candidate to be to get excited and motivated. I presume that as we get into the summer, and the throw-down with Obama becomes more imminent, that my need to get Obama the heck out of the White House will trump my current malaise about our Republican offerings, and inspire motivation and activism from this party leader. I sure hope so.
I will say that I did wake up with some clarity this morning, relative to the South Carolina victory of Gingrich last night. While I am not pro-Romney or pro-Gingrich (to be sure), I was very… Read More