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Scott Carpenter

LA County Lifeguards Will Now Dictate How Fun The Beach Is

As a policy advisor for an Orange County Supervisor I’m always interested in seeing what other counties are doing to deal with issues they face. However, a recent policy that was agreed upon fell below the radar until it was too late. While listening to KFI after leaving work yesterday I heard a headline informing listeners that the county had approved restrictions on throwing footballs or frisbees on county beaches. Thinking it may be a knee-jerk soundbite with no detail I mostly ignored the story. However, when I got home I saw a headline on the Drudge Report about the ordinance and linked details to the Local CBS News station confirming the KFI headline. Having grown up in LA County and played football and frisbee on LA County beaches countless times, I was outraged.

As I often do, I looked to Supervisor Michael Antonovich for perspective on what happens in LA County. (As reference to background, I have admired Supervisor Antonovich for many years. He has been a friend to my family for decades, my grandfather who was a newspaper editor was an early supporter of his early in his political career and the Supervisor remains personal friends with my… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Nathan Fletcher and “Duke” Cunningham

Ex-Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham is slowly winding down a lengthy sentence in a federal prison — the crime committed by this war-hero-turned-politician? He sold America. Literally. As a Member of Congress, he personally profited, and not in a small way, by selling his votes. One of the most stunning pieces of evidence introduced in the trial against Cunningham was a cocktail napkin on which he hand wrote how much money he would have to be paid to deliver specific earmarked spending for the person bribing him. There is no way to really describe the betrayal of America and her values as was done by Cunningham, although I tried a few years ago in this column. I remember at the time being so angry — I had walked precincts for “The Duke” in his first election! Years later I found it in my heart to forgive him personally (barely), but his crimes against the country make him… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Troy Edgar Drops Congressional Bid; Seeks Assembly Seat Instead

Today we saw a little shake up in Orange County (and Southwest Los Angeles County) politics. Republican Troy Edgar, the Mayor of Los Alamitos announced that he now running for the newly created 72nd Assembly District, a “safe” Republican seat that is located in Northwest Orange County. Edgar is a private business owner — with two companies, a construction firm and business consulting firm.

There were already three Republicans running in the 72nd — Hungtington Beach City Councilmember and former state YR Chairman Matt Harper, Long Pham, and Westminster Councilman Typer Diep — although rumors have been swirling for a couple of weeks that Diep going to be dropping out of the race for personal reasons.

If Diep gets out of the race as is expected, it replaces the candidate with the most campaign cash on hand (Diep has topped $150k) and replaces it with a candidate in Edgar who starts out with over $300k in his campaign account. In announcing his candidacy for the 72nd District, Edgar has the endorsements of Congressman Ed Royce, State Senator Tom Harman and Assemblyman Jim Silva, Los Alamitos Councilmembers Marilynn Poe and… Read More

Richard Rider

How to legally receive the superb WALL ST JOURNAL Opinion section daily by email

As I mentioned in a previous posting, for me, myWALL ST JOURNALnewspaper is my catnip with my morning coffee — at least the Opinion section. Great stuff.

Oddly enough, you can subscribe FOR FREE online for this very section. The WSJ will send you a daily email with the editorials, op-eds, letters to the editor — with the URL links. To subscribe, go ALL THE WAY to the bottom of any of the articles below and click on the “Register for Limited Access” line.

For today, here are THREE excellent articles for your consideration — the first two are “must read,” and the third one appears only in the European WSJ edition:

A Fairness Quiz for the President — Is it fair that some of Mr. Obama’s largest campaign contributors received federal loan guarantees?


The Heartland Tax Rebellion — More states want to repeal their incomeRead More

Richard Rider

As Super Bowl Shows, Build Stadiums for Love and Not Money

Speaking of Super Bowls (and everybody is, as today’s the day!), here’s a timely article on building new stadiums to draw such “profitable” events to a city. As one might expect from a well-referenced, objective analysis (such as this opinion piece), it’s a BAD idea financially. There might be other “rah rah” reasons that voters would approve such projects, but proponents’ bogus economic claims of riches (shades of CA HSR!) should not be among them.

Here’s the comment I posted under the article:

A binding public vote (not just an “advisory” vote) on such boondoggles is essential. But the election spending on such matters is VERY one-sided. Those who profit from a new sports stadium (and not just the team owners) will spend a bundle, whereas there is no “special interest” in opposition. It’s the usual problem of “concentration of benefit, dispersal of cost.”

It should be noted that the media (especially TV and the daily newspaper) have a HUGE vested interest in pro sports. It’s a major draw of local viewers and readers — both the gamesRead More

Jon Fleischman

Charles Munger, Jr., A Donor Who Seeks To Reduce Role of Political Parties To Now Head One Up

Charles Munger, Jr, the wealthy son of Warren Buffet’s close business partner, who has emerged as one of the most divisive players in California Republican politics will be ascending to the Chairmanship of the Republican Party in Santa Clara County. Recently Munger played a huge role in driving an inter-mural battle within the California Republican Party, seeking to gut the party’s platform. Party regulars from around the state rallied and overcame Munger’s finances to prevail. Prior to the assault on the party platform, Munger weighed in as a support of Proposition 14 which was championed by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Abel Maldonado. Right in the arguments for supporting Prop. 14 in the Secretary of State Voter Information Pamphlet was, “The best part of the open primary is that it would lessen the influence of the major parties…”

So according to the rumor mill, Munger’s first act as Chairman will be to replace the Republican Elephant on the Santa Clara County GOP with a photo of a puppy dog. All joking aside, it is worth noting that someone who seeks to reduce the influence of political parties is now going to be… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Celebrate Reagan Day

I invite you to join me in celebrating Ronald Reagan Day this Monday, February 6 in honor of our former California Governor and U.S. President.

In these challenging economic times, we can learn much from our former governor and president. Ronald Reagan believed in the American people, and he was confident that our nation’s brightest days are ahead of us.

In 2010 I authored Senate Bill 944 making Mr. Reagan’s birthday, February 6, a special day of significance in his honor. Monday will mark the second annual Ronald Reagan Day since my legislation became state law.

This special day for Reagan, which began last year on his 100th birthday, does not create a state holiday, nor does it cost taxpayer dollars.

Instead, Reagan Day is what is called ‘a day of special significance’ just like other days celebrating John Muir, California teachers and the California Poppy.

Please take a moment to visit to share a favorite memory, quote, photo or video… Read More

Mark Standriff

The Greatest Conservative Movie of All Time

My family loves tradition. Every February 2nd, we gather together in front of a roaring, wood flamed, environmentally-unfriendly fire and watch The Greatest Conservative Movie of All Time.

For the record, it’s not “The Ten Commandments.” It’s not even “Red Dawn.” It’s “Groundhog Day” featuring Bill Murray as his snarkiest.

Murray’s movies have always been quotable; in fact, I believe you risk breaking several local and federal regulations if you don’t invoke at least one Caddyshack quote during every round of golf. (I’m especially proud of the fact that I was once able to use the phrase, “Your honor, Your Honor,” with true intent and boundless glee while golfing with a Superior Court judge back in Ohio.)

“Groundhog Day” is filled with the kind of language that should make every conservative heart sing: • “Don’t drive angry.” • “Well, what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn’t one today.” • “This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather.”

“Groundhog Day” displays timeless conservative themes.… Read More

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