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Bruce Bialosky

It is Not Socialism, It is a Right

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” That is from the Declaration of Independence and along with the Constitution that has defined our rights for almost 250 years. In their efforts to avoid the word Socialism which is what they want, the Left has spoken of Rights we have that they wish to confer to us in their march toward Socialism in America.

Heath Care – The single most significant way the Socialists want to expand their brand is through health care. They have made clear they believe health care is a Right; not something the public can obtain toward their own benefit. They have worked for years placing restrictions on the private companies providing health insurance with Obamacare making it even more restrictive. They give their plans nice sounding names like Medicare for All or the Public Option – both of wish are attempts to crush private health insurance… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

The Pandemic Changes They Are Denying

While preparing for my vacation I went to the shelves where the unread books are kept. I dug through the books to pick out the ones that would be best suited for the trip. I came across the book Pale Rider by Laura Spinney which is about the Spanish Flu of 1918. I thought that this would be an excellent time to read this one as I could probably learn something about what we have been going through the last year. It took just 25 pages to become enlightened.

If you listen to our friends, the Democrats, they would have you believe that our current pandemic changed everything, and we should simply adapt to a “new normal” reality. That is their overarching argument for their two humongous spending bills and policy proposals – specifically HR1 which wants to nationalize our election laws – along with chucking the Senate filibuster. The other point they make is we should follow the science as Dr. Fauci makes his continued undefined explanations for further restrictions and more mask wearing.

Spinney uses the beginning of her book to recount the history of pandemics and influenzas. The story includes historical medical figures like Hippocrates and Galen. Running… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

Supporting the Infrastructure Bill

I have taken a hard look at the proposal by President Biden to revitalize our national infrastructure. I am ready, willing and able to support the proposal. I just have a few questions.

You start with $115 billion for roads, highways and bridges. Please tell us the specific projects you are spending that money on and how you came to that figure. With 435 members of Congress plus the Transportation Department, we are certain you collected a list of targeted projects. We all know there are some bridges that need to be replaced. Please produce a list of where that money is being spent. That should be easy.

Then there is the $20 billion for highway safety. What does that mean and how is that being spent? We would like to know.

There is $85 billion for public transportation. Isn’t that the annual deficit of the New York and Washington subway systems? Have you read Joel Kotkin’s repeated analyses that the more we build mass transit the less Americans want to take it? Where exactly are we spending $85 billion? We are confident you have a complete list of where that money is going; would you please share that with us?

Another $80 billion for Amtrak and… Read More

Tim Coyle

Cancelling the Cancel Culture – It’s Up to All of Us


• YouTube censored a panel on health care. The tech giant didn’t like what panelists were saying about COVID-19 preventatives. The participants during the discussion – which was moderated by Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis – presented largely technical information to the audience.

• A track coach from a high school in New England was fired because he refused to make his players wear masks during practice. School officials had insisted that students wear the masks at all times to – against the prevailing science (which was later confirmed by the coach) – combat the Corona Virus.

• Major League Baseball (MLB) decided to move this year’s All-Star game from a city that is nearly half-Black (Atlanta) to a city that is almost all white (Denver) under the misapprehension that a recently passed Georgia law would make elections less accessible. Guess Black lives don’t matter after all.

• Longtime host of television’s “The Bachelor”, Chris Hanson, was accused of being a racist and forced to leave the show after defending contestant Rachael Kirkconnell’s attendance years ago at an Old South “antebellum”… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

Dangerously Ignorant Business Executives

Some 20 years ago, I got deeply involved in a political group. I recruited experienced political operatives and we started to build an operation that no one believed could be done. Then things started to go sideways because we were beholden to a national board made up of affluent contributors who knew little about grassroots organizing or political realities. These successful people assumed their business acumen would naturally transfer to the political area. They were mistaken.

That thinking has metastasized across our society. It is most readily evidenced by the computer geeks who ended up running the largest corporations in America. If it were not for them being worth billions of dollars and the fact that our press is largely composed of dysfunctional idiots, we would laugh these yutzes off the public stage. The worst of the lot is Bill Gates who started a foundation, reads ridiculously complicated books, and then comes to similar conclusions as does the world’s biggest human void, AOC. Gates may be smarter, but he has no more wisdom than that woman-child.

The most recent manifestation of this dangerously ignorant executive came in the state of Georgia. We… Read More

Richard Rider

SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE foments racial divisiveness with fake news

Here’s the headline from a March 28, 2021 “woke”SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE“Watchdog” article:

The Color of Authority: San Diego police, sheriff’s deputies disproportionately target minorities, data show

The only problem?The article’s own charts put the lie to the headline. And yet the U-T reporters and head editor Jeff Light STILL tout the article as true. They even sent me emails… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

Joe The Evil

While Joe Biden has only been in office roughly two months, we have an inordinate amount of material with which to analyze our new President. We all know that the Democrats like to characterize everything that was done by his predecessor as wrong and everything he said as lies. All those charges pale in comparison to the fact we have never had a more deceitful President than we have in Mr. Biden.

Let us start with the big picture. President Biden told America that he was equipped to be president and that he was a moderate during the campaign. Politically he was the “non-Bernie Sanders.” Nothing could be further from the truth. It is quite obvious that he is not up to the challenge of the Presidency either mentally or physically. This was somewhat self-evident during the campaign but has become painfully evident since. He is a part-time President with a meager schedule.

Here is a telling fact. Presidents receive a daily briefing on security affairs. Bush, Obama and Trump got them early in the day – many times before 8 a.m. Biden typically gets his at 10 a.m. or later. I saw the other day he received one at 9:30 and it stuck out as unusual. This guy does… Read More

Richard Rider

CA electricity is more expensive than ever, compared to the U.S. average

Below is a chart, summarizing the average per kWh cost of electricity. It’s the January, 2021 figures. It’s not good news for “renewable power” obsessed California.

It compares usage categories for CA vs. the national average — an average that INCLUDES California. I run this comparison periodically. I last ran this comparison in about December, 2019. The disparity in cost for CA has only gotten worse since then. Especially for residential use.

Our sky high “industrial” rates — more than DOUBLE the national average, — are doubtless a significant factor why manufactures and other heavy power users (such at Internet server farms) are leaving the Golden State.

The source of this information compares ALL states, for those of you that are interested:

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