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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Ron Nehring

Elizabeth Emken for US Senate: Leading the Team of Exciting, New California Republican Leaders

California will be the center of the political universe in 2012 when it comes to deciding control of the House of Representatives. The Democrats’ strategy is clear: push for big margins of victory for President Obama in heavily Democratic states like New York, Illinois and California, and recruit good House candidates to ride the wave into Congress.

Here in the Golden State, we have 10 or more House districts in play for the first time in modern history. Nancy Pelosi has her eyes on California’s Central Valley, the Central Coast, the Bay Area, the Inland Empire and San Diego for her ticket back into the Speaker’s office.

I’m backing Elizabeth Emken as our candidate for the United States Senate in California because she is far and away the strongest candidate to lead our ticket together with our Republican candidates for President and Vice President.

In ten years as a party chairman in California and San Diego, I’ve met all kinds of candidates for every kind of public office. Elizabeth Emken is one of the sharpest, most engaging, and impressive candidates… Read More

Mark Standriff

The Best News Coming Out of the Ohio Primary?

One less liberal Democrat in Congress. One less batcrap crazy on the D side. One less Dennis the Menace.

Ohio is my home state and Toledo is the town where I grew up. It’s the home to some of the most ruthless political operatives in America, and they obviously worked overtime to push Marcy Kaptur to a primary win over Dennis Kucinich.

Dennis made his displeasure known in his concession speech last night in Cleveland:

“I would like to be able to congratulate Congresswoman Kaptur, but I do have to say that she ran a media campaign in the Cleveland media market that was utterly lacking in integrity with false statements, half truths, [and] misrepresentations. I hope that is not the kind of representation she would provide to this community. And I don’t think the people of Toledo have any idea of the kind of campaign that was run up in the Cleveland area,” he said.

Oh, yes, they do, Dennis.

I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Hundreds of yard signs mysteriously disappearing in the dead of night. Thousands of windshields papered with tabloid-style flyers. Union thugs shouting down candidate speeches. And… Read More

Barry Jantz

SD Rostra Interview of Nathan Fletcher

Communications strategist Tony Manolatos is doing a series of interviews with the City of San Diego Mayoral candidates for San Diego Rostra. I’ll republish them on FlashReport (having received Tony’s permission, of course). First, Nathan Fletcher. The following ran last weekend (here is the Rostra post):

Fletcher’s Fetcher…And More From Our First Candidate Q & A by Tony Manolatos

Politics & Media Mashup is on break for the next few weeks so we can bring you exclusive Q & As with San Diego Mayoral candidates Nathan Fletcher, Carl DeMaio and Bonnie Dumanis.

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Mark Standriff

Chuck DeVore Is Just Plain Wrong About Elizabeth Emken

I want to answer Chuck DeVore’s surprising attack on Elizabeth Emken in Flash Report today. First, let me say that Chuck DeVore has been a friend and was helpful to me when I first became Communications Director for the CRP. And I was sad to see him leave California for safer ground in Texas.

But, I alsounderstand that Chuck is just as human as any of us, and that’s why he’s still frosted over the Senate Primary, where he came in 3rd out of 3candidates.I imagine that’s why he’s decided to come after GOP frontrunner Elizabeth Emken (whose campaign I’m working for as Senior Communications Adviser.).He sees some of Carly’s team helping Elizabeth in her Senate race, and it’s paybacktime. And that’s a shame.

For the record:

Elizabeth Emken formally entered the U.S. Senate race in late January. Chuck, you are just plain wrong on this. Elizabeth Emken opposed passage of Obamacare, and she has made it her first priority to repealRead More

Jon Fleischman

IJ VIDEO: California Redevelopment Agencies Abuse Their Powers & Should Never Return

This Institute For Justice Video is a “must watch” for all California politicos…

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Duane Dichiara

Say It Ain’t So, Nathan…

I generally don’t comment on the races my company is involved in. I figure that we all read enough propaganda in our day to day lives, and a spoon full more doesn’t really help the rest go down any better. That being said I fell obliged to publish the following and say for the record ‘say it ain’t so, Nathan Fletcher’:

To that end, Fletcher did emphasize that the Mayor’s election in San Diego was a non-partisan election. He also stated that his reasons for being in the Republican Party, primarily that in a partisan climate he had to pick one out of the two and that he supported some of the core economic issues and the message of enabling access to the American Dream inherent to the Republican Party. Fletcher spent a lot of time detailing instances on how he broke away from the party line of issues he had to vote for in the California Assembly, and explained that he was unafraid to do so.” Read the whole post here.

It’s no secret that my company runs one of Nathan… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Walters Ingnores The Obvious: The Pendulum Has Swung Far To The Left

Last week, long-time Sacramento Bee columnist penned a column Both Left And Right In California Want Automatons In Office where he throws down the gauntlet of criticism on those who oppose a bigger, fatter state government (he also throws down on the other extreme, but that is not the focus of this blog post).

The relevant “smack down” of the GOP is this section of his column…

The California Republican Party has been frequently – and rightfully – criticized for insisting that GOP politicians adhere to a very narrow set of supposed principles, such as always opposing any purported tax increase regardless of its merits.

That rigid mindset entertains no differences between a general sales tax increase, an increase in a specific user tax such as the one on gasoline or even closing a completely unjustified special interest tax loophole, and shuns the tax reform that California sorelyRead More

Congressman John Campbell

Fix It

There are a lot of things messed up in America today. On this, there is pretty much universal agreement. We have no energy policy, no manufacturing policy and an antiquated tax code that is complicated and inefficient. We are facing crushing deficits and debt that will soon lead to a European-style collapse. The economy continues to be weak and fewer people are working today than over 3 years ago when Barack Obama was sworn in as president. So many people have become discouraged that the number of people working or trying to find work is the lowest percentage of the eligible workforce since back in the Jimmy Carter recession days. The critical housing market is stuck, gas prices are high and going higher and the costs of our health care system keep rising and reform is needed. The public’s confidence in Congress and the President is low, perhaps even at an all-time low, and there is little trust out there for major institutions, be they public or private. We are mired in a seemingly endless conflict in Afghanistan even as we face new and changing threats all around the world.

Makes you want to fill your bathtub with beer and go drown in… Read More

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