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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Governor Arnolds Latest Bout With Amnesia

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Oped in the LA Times today is the biggest piece of garbage I’ve ever read, by anybody. I mean really? The gall of this guy is only second behind the condescencion and audacity of the current President. Let me tell you what we think of you Arnold. You burst on the scene, taking advantage of public outrage at the worst Governor in California history, Gray Davis, and your signature accomplishment was to become worse than him. It takes California voters quite awhile to want to abandon their leftist tendencies. In the recall of Governor Davis, you were the beneficiary of their pain. And you spent seven years screwing this State up and destroying the Republican Party. Yes, you reformed Workers’ Compensation. That was your only accomplishment. Your attempts to reform government via a special election in 2005 were commendable, but when you lost, you quit. You sir, became the “girlie man” you accused others of being. And you spent the next five years… Read More

Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep. Issa: SEIU Polling In Safe GOP AD67

I just received this urgent memo from Congressman Darrell Issa. He is very concerned that the SEIU is going to weigh into the race between three Republicans in the very GOP 67th Assembly District. Issa’s District Director Phil Paule, a former FlashReport contributor, is a candidate in that race. Read for yourself (see the original email here):

Dear Sacramento Friends,

I am writing this quick note to bring you up to date on the campaign in AD 67 and to urgently request that your organization endorse Phil Paule.

It came to my attention that SEIU was conducting a poll in the district last night, and is likely to be coming in with an IE for one of Phil Paule’s opponents.

As you know, Phil Paule is my district director and I believe he will beRead More

Jon Fleischman

Memory Lane: ’07 – Grover Norquist “witnesses” Nathan Fletcher’s Pledge Signing

Good lord time flies. It seems like just yesterday I was filming this video, but it was over five years ago! The video below was filmed at the San Diego County Republican Party Headquarters. It stars Grover Norquist, head of Americans for Tax Reform, and Nathan Fletcher, Republican candidate for the State Assembly. Nathan Fletcher signs the ATR “No New Taxes” pledge and Grover signs as the witness. It’s only a couple of minutes long. But given Nathan’s rather high-profile divorce from the Republican Party, it’s worth bringing it back for a reprieve. As I recall, Nathan was extraordinarily aggressive in appealing to the GOP base in the Republican seat which he sought. He was so successful at this that he ended with no Republican opponent in his race for the State Assembly.

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Jon Fleischman

Majority of Assembly Republicans Now In Caucus Leadership

One advantage of being a legislator in the minority party is that with fewer members, you are more likely to be tapped for positions in party leadership. Today Assembly Republican Leader Connie Conway announced some changes in her leadership team. By my math her leadership team now actual includes a majority of her entire caucus. There are currently 27 Assembly Republicans (with the departure of Nathan Fletcher), and

Conway’s 14-member leadership team now includes:

Assembly GOP Leader: Connie Conway Assembly GOP Caucus Chairman: Brian Nestande Assistant GOP Leaders: Brian Jones+ and Steve Knight Assistant GOP Floor Leader: Curt Hagman Deputy GOP Floor Manager: Don Wagner* Chief Republican Whips: Dan Logue and Kristin Olsen+ Republican Whips: Paul Cook* and Mike Morrell* Republican Outreach Chairman: Jeff Gorell* Budget Committee Vice Chairman: Jim Nielsen Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman DianeRead More

Ron Nehring

Twenty Years Later, the New Democrats are Dead

Republicans in 1992 faced a new threat from the Democrat Party, and one which ultimately proved successful for our competitors on the left to win the White House for two terms and capture a large number of the nation’s governorships.

That threat was the movement known as the “New Democrats,” led by Gov. Bill Clinton of Arkansas. Following the pasting Democrats received in three consecutive national elections with tickets led by Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis, the Democrats recognized they had run out of ideas and had lost touch with a majority of Americans.

Clinton and others formed the Democratic Leadership Council to provide a new, more realistic governing philosophy for their party. Its centerpieces included a less-than-automatic embrace of higher taxes, support for welfare reform, limited support for the death penalty, free (or at least, freer) trade, and other policies traditionally supported by Republicans.

By rejecting the activist left that had steered the Democrats to three national defeats and defined the party out of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A Letter From California Democratic Legislative Leaders (Maybe)

The following memo is from the California Democratic Legislative Leaders… (Maybe)

Dear Californians,

Just in case all you voters and taxpayers out there missed the news this past week, we Democrats just spent hundreds of thousands of your dollars to fight a ballot measure you passed in 2010, so that we can continue to waste your money, cater to our public employee union bosses so they’ll keep giving us campaign money, and play shell games with the budget and your lives.

You thought Proposition 25 would dock our pay if we didn’t pass a balanced budget on time…ha, ha, ha, got you.

Sorry to laugh, but let’s be absolutely transparent on this – we only put the pay-docking language in to get you to vote for the initiative. The real purpose of the initiative was to give us Democrats the ability to pass a budget without having to include those Republicans in the process (not that they would ever hold out for much). You did, and we Democrats now own the budget process.

Then, it all backfired. On the very first budget we send out after… Read More

Scott Carpenter

Molly Munger’s Tax Hike Plan Has Local Impact

It has been fairly well publicized that moderate GOP donor Charles Munger, Jr’s sister, Molly, has decided to make 2012 the year she stakes a major claim in California’s initiative process that her brother has navigated so frequently the past several years. Molly has pledged millions of dollars to fund an initiative that will utilize a tax increase on Californians to provide additional funding to schools. According to the initiative’s website it will raise billions in new tax revenue for school and education programs. The new tax revenues will come from all Californians, but targets the “top 1%” to carry the bulk of the burden, trying to capitalize on the latest “Occupy” movement rhetoric.

Of course Californians have repeatedly rejected new taxes the past several ballot cycles, and thanks to California GOP legislators, Californians were not asked to extend the tax hikes of 2009. Ms. Munger may very well find herself in an unintended fight with Jerry Brown’s own tax plan. So the possibility of Munger’s agenda being an immediate success may be at… Read More

Richard Rider

How 401-k plans can approach zero annual cost and fees

One common labor union objection to defined contribution pension plans (401-k plans) is that the administration costs are “1%-3%” annually. They assert that it’s much less expensive to let CalPERS or other “experts” manage a huge pooled account.

And indeed that high 1-3% individual account annual cost would be a major impediment. IF it were true.

It’s not. Not if one makes even a rudimentary effort to control costs down to 0.2%. And in some cases, the cost can approach 0.1% a year.

No, not 1% a year. That’s ONE-TENTH of ONE PERCENT annually –TOTAL cost. And it can be even less.

Furthermore, the employer — public or private — can make and set such cost limitations for the employees. There are sensible restrictions the employer can suggest to avoid the gambler’s tendency to figuratively bet on the lottery with their pensions.

Let me add that the advice contained below is readily available for ANY investor — IRA’s, 401-k plans or just brokerage account investing of personal investments. Everyone should at least be aware of this option.

The “trick” is… Read More

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