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Shawn Steel

The Future Of San Diego

Once every generation comes along a unique political leader.

Carl DeMaio is the real thing. In an age of political defeatism and angst, Carl earned San Diego citizens trust when they elected him to the city council. With a platform of fiscal reform, Carl offered honest and real solutions to San Diego’s financial melt-down. Carls’s ideas and approach are drawing national attention – and his success is winning converts and being imitated across the country. So much so that big labor has made him a top target to defeat in this election.

Today San Diegans face a stark choice. Ronald Reagan’s leadership was built on the idea of “raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors “. We must support those candidates with conservative, fiscally responsible values.

The resurgence of the Republican Party in California will depend on candidates advocating a reform agenda and Carl DeMaio’s campaign is the model for such resurgence.

You have probably heard of his opponent, Nathan Fletcher. Nathan worked for me twice. First with I ran for state chairman of the California Republican Party, then when I appointed him as… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The No Tax Pledge – A Promise To The Voters

“I pledge to the voters in my district that I will vote against any tax increase, and oppose any efforts to raise taxes.”

This taxpayer protection pledge that every Republican legislator save two in the State Legislature has made (every California Republican in Congress has made a similar pledge) is so very simple and straightforward, and yet this year especially has been an issue of controversy when there’s really nothing that controversial about it.

The premise here is that if there is a political pendulum in the State Capitol, liberal Democrats have dominated… Read More

Jon Coupal

HJTA Launches Statewide Radio Blitz

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association announced today that we are launching a radio ad blitz to urge Californians to tell the Sacramento politicians to reform government instead of raising taxes.

In the radio spot, I warn the public that, “State spending is out of control and Sacramento politicians want to send YOU the bill!”

The spot highlights the fact that California’s State budget relies on gimmicks and that instead of balancing the budget, politicians are threatening cuts to public safety and our schools unless the bureaucrats get more tax dollars.

California already has the highest State sales tax in the nation, the second-highest gas tax, and the third-highest income tax in the nation. Even with Prop. 13, taxes are way above the national average.

HJTA calls upon Californians to stand together to demand education reform, pension reform and spending reform now. The organization is asking citizens to sign a petition to send a message to the politicians in Sacramento that higher taxes are not the answer. The timing is significant because lawmakers are preparing to vote on next year’s spending plan.

HJTA has made a significant… Read More

Tab Berg

If you think releasing felons makes CA safer – you might be a Legislator.

A recent editorial in the Sacramento Bee by former Assemblywoman Jackie Goldberg’s concluded that AB 109 “prisoner realignment” has worked – a clear demonstration of just how far out of touch Capital politicians have become.

It’s a fairly typical response from the State: duck problems until they reach catastrophic levels, then use gimmicks to hide from the problem for a few more years, then shift the problem to future generations or local government to solve. This is usually followed by legislation on appropriate jail attire and creation of a new regulatory bureaucracy on how to prepare hotdogs.

Guess what Jackie? Realignment not a solution – it’s disgraceful. It’s no wonder the public holds the Legislature in such low esteem.

First, let’s be honest about what AB 109 was: it was not “an attempt to overhaul and redirect the prison system.” It was an admission that the state failed in its responsibility to manage prisons, and lacking the political guts to make… Read More

Jon Fleischman

*Breaking* New IE Hits Nathan Fletcher On Serially Missing Votes In Legislature

Just in from FlashReport friend Jennifer Jacobs… Jacobs is heading up an independent expenditure committee that has put up a new television spot that is very critical of the decision by Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher to miss a lot (most) of the votes up in the legislature in order to campaign locally for Mayor of San Diego. You can see the ad below…

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Richard Rider

Liberal California think tank admits CA has high taxes

Here’s a LIBERAL biased summary of CA vs. the other states on taxes, from the California Budget Project – one of many “nonpartisan” front groups the Democrats set up, trying to con us into raising our taxes.

What is interesting is that even this slick left wing “think tank” can’t hide the fact that we Californians pay taxes well above the national average – even property taxes. It’s always nice to use THEIR stats for OUR side. It’s also fun to add a few cogent clarifications where necessary – I could have added MANY more! See below.

BUDGET BASICS California vs. Other States

How does California’s budget compare to other states? California represents the ninth-largest economy in the world [RIDER NOTE: Down from fifth largest a decade earlier] and its 38 million residents give it the largest population in the United States. California is not alone in its fiscal challenges.

It was reported that for the 2012 fiscal… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Episode VII – Education

Episode VII – Education: In 1979, President Jimmy Carter created the Federal Department of Education. He did it to make the quality of education in this country better. This year, that department will have an administrative budget of $69 billion. That does not include the roughly $19 billion in federal dollars we will spend on education entitlements like Pell Grants and student loans.

The question is simple: Is American education better now than it was in 1979? Has spending trillions of federal dollars over the last 33 years led to America’s students consistently receiving a superior level of education?

The answer is painfully obvious. NO! So, why are we still trying to do what has failed for over 30 years expecting to achieve positive results?!

Sorry. I’ll calm down now. I have included education in this “Fix It” series on how to jump start two new decades of American hegemony, growth and prosperity because, like infrastructure, a strong education system is a prerequisite to growth and prosperity. So then, what is the state of education in America? In order to analyze our system, we have to break education into two… Read More

Barry Jantz

San Diego County Registrar of Voters’ release of election “results” taken seriously by a few

A “Memorable” Weekend for Some Candidates

byBarry Jantz

While readying its public system in advance of primary election night, the San Diego County Registrar of Voters released test election “results” on its website this past weekend for every race in San Diego County, although in actuality no such real data can be released until the polls close at 8:00 p.m. on June 5.

The Registar’s office confirmed this is standard procedure prior to each election. The resulting test report clearly indicates the information as being updated 07-04-76, a mock reference to the famous 1776 date.

However, one candidate, David Secor, reacted to the bogus results by churning out a press release, believing he was leading incumbent Duncan Hunter for Congress in “early voting” results. In turn,East County Magazinepublished the release andsubsequently corrected the information.

Another candidate, Rudy Reyes, running against incumbent Dianne Jacob for County Supervisor, said he was on the Registrar of Voters website Friday… Read More

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