The Future Of San Diego
Once every generation comes along a unique political leader.
Carl DeMaio is the real thing. In an age of political defeatism and angst, Carl earned San Diego citizens trust when they elected him to the city council. With a platform of fiscal reform, Carl offered honest and real solutions to San Diego’s financial melt-down. Carls’s ideas and approach are drawing national attention – and his success is winning converts and being imitated across the country. So much so that big labor has made him a top target to defeat in this election.
Today San Diegans face a stark choice. Ronald Reagan’s leadership was built on the idea of “raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors “. We must support those candidates with conservative, fiscally responsible values.
The resurgence of the Republican Party in California will depend on candidates advocating a reform agenda and Carl DeMaio’s campaign is the model for such resurgence.
You have probably heard of his opponent, Nathan Fletcher. Nathan worked for me twice. First with I ran for state chairman of the California Republican Party, then when I appointed him as… Read More