It’s June, the primary elections are over, there was a change in term limits, so the current crop of Legislators have relatively secure jobs for the next 12 years. The top two primary has come and gone, and it changed some things, but not very much. Now the Legislature has to get back to work. It now has a week to enact a budget. The challenge, there is a deficit.
This is not news. By all accounts, this year’s deficit is small in comparison to say, 2001-02, where there was a $48 billion deficit in the general fund on a $74 billion general fund budget. Or even 2003-04, where there was a $25 billion on a $78 billion general fund budget. The state got through both of those budgets without a tax increase. Heck, a $15 billion deficit on a $110 billion general fund is child’s play. Quite frankly, that kind of budget deficit is almost what we call “budget dust.” It certainly is just leftovers on the lavish table of our current ruling class.
But do not expect them to say that. Expect much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Expect legislative leadership to cry and moan about the difficulties of balancing the budget, and demand that the… Read More