Democrat Budget Targets Schools, Grows Welfare, Protects Public Employee Unions
Yesterday, Sacramento Democrats finally passed the remaining so-called “trailer bills” to complete the work on their majority vote budget plan. The more we let the sunshine in on the Democrat majority vote budget, the worse it looks for the priorities of California’s hard-working families. In my view, Californians deserve better than a phony budget that was made up by Democrats as they went along in the process, violating the spirit of openness and transparency in state government that should be the guiding principle of every lawmaker.
Here are just a few of the worst features of the Democrat majority vote budget passed yesterday:
Plays Politics to Boost Governor’s Massive Tax Increase
To try and boost the passage of Governor Brown’s $8.5 billion tax increase measure, Democrats voted in their majority vote budget plan to manipulate the elections process. They passed a measure to move the Governor’s tax initiative up to the top of the ballot, even though his initiative qualified tenth among the measures that will appear on the November 2012 ballot. At the same time, the Governor’s education trigger cuts would still be… Read More