Four Taxing Questions — All Bad News For Taxes On The November Ballot
For those of us who think it would be terrible public policy for the voters of California to raise taxes this November, Sacramento Democrats continue to be the “gift that keeps on giving” in terms of actions that will cause the already skeptical electorate to have more reasons not to want to send any more of their tax dollars to Sacramento.
A very quick recap — just in the last week and a half we had:
The approval of billions of dollars of indebtedness on an incredibly unpopular high speed rail boondoggle. The discovery that the better part of a thousand legislative staff members have been getting raises while state employees are taking furloughs. The revelation that despite the audit functions of the Democrat Controller and the Democrat Legislature, the Parks Agency within Democrat Jerry Browns Administration had squirreled away north of $50 million dollars, that were totally off the grid.Now to add to all of that, news headlines are now spotlighting a legislative effort, spearheaded by senior Democrat Senator… Read More