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Ron Nehring

Team Romney Takes New Control of RNC Rules

The Romney team at the convention in Tampa pulled a surprise move that will make RNC meetings under President Romney much more interesting.

With the control of the vast majority of the convention delegates and therefore the rules committee in Tampa, the Romney team has broad powers to reshape the rules of the national Republican Party. Historically the convention, and only the convention, adopts the rules that govern the national Republican Party for the next four years.

Until now.

Under a rules change adopted today on a 63-38 vote, the convention’s Rules Committee adopted a change which will allow the 168-member RNC to alter party rules going forward.

Here’s what that means.

The RNC Chairman is technically elected by the 168 members of the RNC, but when we hold the White House, that’s an illusion. The practical reality is that President Romney will appoint the RNC Chairman and other RNC leaders. In effect, the RNC will become an extension of the White House political operation.

Under the new rules, the Romney White House will be in a position to use its considerable sway over the RNC to change almost any rule at an RNC… Read More

Shawn Steel

Live From Tampa: The RNC Meets – And The Purge Of The Paulistas

Republican National Committeeman from California, is a well known fixture here at the FlashReport. He’s already in Tampa in advance of next week’s Republican National Convention, and will be “live-blogging” from on the ground… Here’s his second update from Florida.

Before the Republican National Convention officially kicks off, the members of the Republican National Committee meet in advance, to address internal party issues, before tens of thousands of delegates, alternates and guests descend on Tampa.

Today’s general session featured 56 banners representing the 50 states as well as six for the U.S. Territories. The total membership of the RNC is some 168 members — the Party Chairman and a Committeeman and Committeewoman from each state. I am so proud to represent California Republicans… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Shame on Capitol Democrats – Election Voting Bill Is Hardly A “Budget Trailer Bill”

Fellow FlashReport contributor Jim Lacy, in blog post below this one, makes the case for why legislation that has suddenly “popped up” to change the way elections to take place so that election day no longer the cutoff for voters to have their ballots received by the County Registrar of Voters, but instead becomes the last day that an absentee postmarked. Jim is spot on.

But I feel compelled to augment Jim’s observations by addressing the “gaming of the system” by the majority party with regards to this bill. My first issue, which unfortunately is not an uncommon one, is that this bill is a classic case of the use of what is referred to as “gut and amend” where an unrelated bill that has already been vetting through policy committees and advanced through the normal process is stripped of its original language, only to have this new language inserted in its place. Using this process, transparency and outside involvement in the legislative process are thrown out the window. There is no notice of the… Read More

James V. Lacy

Democrats tinkering with elections continues – and aiding voter fraud.

The Legislative Democrat party continues to seem bound and determined to mess with free speech and election rights as much as they can get away with to tilt the scales away from fairness in state elections. Not too long ago the Democrats rammed through last minute legislation to load-up our November ballot with so many ballot propositions that, in their hope, Proposition 32, the “Stop Special Interest” initiative banning mandatory union dues for political campaigns, would be at a disadvantage. They “stacked the deck” by forcing that initiative onto the crowded General election ballot where it would be lost in a mix of measures, and presumably more Obama voters would venture to the polls and also vote to defeat it. They also are messing with free speech rights right now, pushing SB 488, a dreadful, highly unconstitutional bill attempting to give public employee unions monopoly rights on images of police and firefighters in election slate mailers. (Yes, I am involved in that business and am on the First Amendment side of the issue.)

But now, according to news reports (thanks to my friend Brandon Powers for the clue on this) a… Read More

Shawn Steel

Live From Tampa: The Rising Star of RNC Chairman Reince Preibus

Republican National Committeeman from California, is a well known fixture here at the FlashReport. He’s already in Tampa in advance of next week’s Republican National Convention, and will be “live-blogging” from on the ground… Here’s his first update from Florida.

Across from our room at the water front Marriott is the Tampa Bay Times forum where the Republican National Committee will host the cream of the Republican party leadership.

Last night popular RNC Chairman Reince Preibus hosted a VIP reception with RNC members, with special guest Gov. Bob McDonald of… Read More

Richard Rider

Breaking Bad: CA vs. the Other States — Revised 8/19/12

by Richard Rider, Chairman, San Diego Tax Fighters

Version 1.821 Revised: 17 August, 2012

Updated version online at:

Phone: 858-530-3027

Facebook blog

Here’s a depressing but documented comparison of California taxes and economic climate with the rest of the states.The news is breaking bad, and getting worse (twiceRead More

Katy Grimes

Legislators use muscle on grocers over plastic bag recycling

Katy Grimes: The plastic bag activists are at it again, and they are nothing, if not persistent. With the eleventh bill regulating plastic bags in less than 10 years, grocery stores don’t have a chance in California.

Passed today by the Assembly, SB 1219, the latest plastic bag regulation bill, by Sen. Lois Wolk, D-Davis, will require grocery stores to implement, manage, and report on the “At-Store Recycling Program” to the Cal Recycle state agency.

Besides imposing more rules and regulations on privately-owned grocery stores, SB 1219 which appears to be aimed at large grocers like WalMart, Target and other large supermarket chains, will require that stores “place recycling bins in a readily accessible location for consumers, assure the collected bags are recycled, and provide reusable bags. Additionally, stores track the collection, transport, and recycling of plastic carryout bags and regulated manufacturers provide educational materials to assist in recycling (see requirements).”

This could be the work of a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CEQA Reform: Good Idea. At The Cost Of A $Billion Tax Hike – NO WAY!

All of the talk in the Capitol is that a deal is afoot. That the cosmic forces of the world are coming into alignment. Translation — the taxpayers of California had better watch their pocketbooks!

It is important that you read Assemblywoman Diane Harkey’s column on the FlashReport today.

A quick reminder — Democrats do not need Republicans to cut any deals — with one big exception. Still (barely) out of reach of the ever-greedy hands of the majority party is the two-thirds vote protection in the State Constitution to raise taxes. So let’s be very clear — any deal that Republicans strike with Democrats by definition includes a tax increase.

The problem is that Republicans can (and do) cut deals in good faith, and then Democrats reneg on them. I wrote an entire column on Monday which went into great detail on many of the handshake deals that were subsequently undone. And in almost every case, to get… Read More

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