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BOE Member George Runner

I Applaud the Howard Jarvis Fire Tax Lawsuit

Today, the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association filed a class action lawsuit against Jerry Brown and the Legislature to overturn the unconstitutional Fire Tax.

As one of California’s elected tax officials, it’s my responsibility to use my elected office to ensure that taxpayers are treated fairly.

Accordingly, I commend the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association for bringing together Californians from every walk of life and region of our state to right the wrong that is the fire tax.

The Governor and Legislature’s willingness to impose such an unfair and regressive tax in direct violation of the Constitution should serve as a wake-up call for all freedom-loving Californians.

I am pleased to lend my full support to this lawsuit, and I look forward to seeing it prevail.… Read More

Katy Grimes

Election 2012: ‘Survivor’ or ‘Clueless?’

Voter fatigue is no longer an factor this election cycle because thoughtful voters appear instead to be tuning out entirely to media and polls, and instead tuning into reality television. There’s an irony.

“It’s getting much harder for pollsters to get people to respond to interviews,” wrote Michael Barone, in a National Review Online story today. “The Pew Research Center reports that only 9 percent of the people it contacts respond to its questions. That’s compared with 36 percent in 1997.”

Barone said that of that 9 percent of respondents, is is likely that the sample is not representative of the much larger voting public.

Duh… ya think?

He explained that everything from the decreasing number of landline phones, to implausible party identification, impacts poll numbers today.

“I don’t believe… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CalTax Leaves Significant Tax Increase Votes Off Of Their Legislative Scorecard

With the latest session of the California legislature over, now is the time of year when various groups and organizations release their “scorecards” — assessing how legislators performed based on how they voted on key pieces of legislation that were of interest to that group or organization. Yesterday one such group to release its ratings of the legislature was the California Taxpayer Association — or “CalTax” as they are known in political circles. You can see their ratings here. If you peruse the lengthy list of bills that CalTax uses to rate legislators, they picked out a bevy of bills — many of them atrocious and worthy of being scored for a “no” vote — and many of them good, certainly appropriately scored as a “yes” vote. There is a lot of good information there, representing a lot of work to put together.

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Jon Fleischman

*Breaking* Prominent Slate Card Company Sues U.S. Senate Candidate Emken For Fraud


This morning Landslide Communications filed a lawsuit in Orange County Superior Court against Republican Party U.S. Senate nominee Elizabeth Emken, and her campaign committee, for breach of contract, fraud and other charges. Landslide Communications, whose proprietor is well-known longtime conservative activist and leader Jim Lacy, featured Emken on 5.5 million pieces of direct mail to voters, but hasn’t paid the bulk of the money owed for those mailings – $65,000. (A review of Emken’s campaign filings shows significant outstanding debt to other slate… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Anaheim’s Exotic Animal Ban Could Have Outlawed Rally Monkey

File this one under the law of unintended consequences: the ban on exotic animals that was proposed by Councilwoman Lorri Galloway — and pulled from the agenda just minutes before last week’s Anaheim City Council meeting — would, if enatced, have outlawed the Rally Monkey, the famous mascot of the Angels baseball team.

That, according to a reliable source, was the conclusion of Angels’ lawyers.

Galloway’s ban was directed at Ringling Bro. and Barnum & Bailey’s Circus, which comes to the city-owned Honda Center every year foor a 10-day run, generating $1.3 million in revenue for the city — not to mention delighting thousands and children and their parents.

Why would it have also outlawed the Rally Monkey? You can read more here at this post on theAnaheim Blog, a new project I am involved in.Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Serving My Constituents: A Duty and an Honor

According to a recent AP news article (“Calif. tax collector criticized for opposing fee”), several Democratic leaders, including a few of my colleagues, want me to stop my “high profile campaign” against the new “Fire Prevention Fee.” They argue that my role is to simply to collect taxes—not to speak out against them.

They’re right about one thing. I do have a responsibility to administer taxes. I’m doing everything in my power to ensure that this tax, and others, are administered effectively, efficiently and fairly. I’m also encouraging taxpayers to pay their taxes, so they don’t get caught up with penalties and interest.

There’s a reason California has elected tax officials, rather than bureaucrats, in charge of tax administration and appeals. We are elected to represent the taxpayers in our districts. Doing so involves speaking on their behalf.

Accordingly, I respect the right of my Democratic colleagues to speak on behalf of their constituents—even when they disagree with me.

The new “fire fee” is an… Read More

Katy Grimes

Calif. business leakage is a bummer

The word ‘leakage’ is the new politically correct term used by legislators, the Governor, bureaucrats and the California Air Resources Board to describe what happens when California businesses leave the state because of tax increases and stupendous regulations… as if any of them know what it means for a business to make the difficult decision to close a location, terminate hundreds of employees, and move a business.

As The… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Deceptive Results From PPIC on Death Penalty

I’m always skeptical of public opinion polling data. Time after time I say that to really understand the full story behind surveys, you have to investigate the questions being asked of respondents.

I was immediately surprised by the results from the recent PPIC statewide survey as it related to voter sentiment on the Death Penalty. California has and will continue to be supportive of capital punishment for the worst of the worst murders. I’ve known from experience that a death sentence isn’t given often, but when it is, the criminal deserves it.

PPIC didn’t test the actual ballot label of Prop 34 and suggested that it merely tested voter sentiment about the death penalty as opposed to life without parole. The results, they subtly (well not so subtly) would project where voters are on Proposition 34, a measure sponsored by the ACLU and defense attorneys to get rid of the death penalty. The irony behind Prop 34 is that the ACLU is claiming that the death penalty is broken because nobody gets executed and taxpayers are paying… Read More

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