In Praise of Molly Munger
If I have any complaint with my fellow conservative warriors, it is that they don’t know how to win. Too often, their suspicion, or perhaps the years of oppression, has left them unable to accept good tidings when they arrive. They will, if left to their own devices, look a gift horse in the mouth.
Which leads many of them to criticize Molly Munger. Let’s be honest. If someone truly wishes to direct more money to schools, Proposition 38 really does that. It is the right means to accomplish the goal that Munger wishes to accomplish. If you agree with that policy, you would vote for 38, and vote against Proposition 30. She deserves kudos for a means that actually accomplishes her policy goal.
What is even better, from my perspective, is that she has the intestinal fortitude to look the Governor of the State of California in the eye, and tell him he’s a liar. That requires a lot of strength, strength the business community in this state lacks. True to form, when faced with the truly bad policy of Proposition 30, the business community, for the most part, rolled over on its back and showed the Governor their belly. They, quite frankly, gave… Read More