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Katy Grimes

Global warming is baaaack

First there was “global warming.” Then it became “climate change” when warm temperatures cooled.

But in California, the California Environmental Protection Agency is promoting global warming again.

“State releases plan to deal with extreme heat caused by global warming,” the CalEPA press release stated. “In the wake of the hottest July ever recorded in the United States, California state agencies today released a plan to deal with extreme heat caused by global warming,” the CalEPA warned.

The hottest July ever recorded in the U.S.? What about California? It wasn’t that hot in our state in July.

“Every year people in California succumb to extreme heat,” said California Environmental Protection Agency Secretary Matt Rodriquez, who chairs the state’s Climate Action Team, the press release reported.

Demonstrative of an agency looking for a problem to solve, the CalEPA’s proposed plan states:

“Some of the proposed recommendations in this draft document… Read More

Ray Haynes

Big Buts….

I posted this on another website I blog for during the presidential election ( I don’t usually comment on national politics here, because that is not what my role in this blog is usually about, but I liked this article, and wanted to share it with as many people as possible. Enjoy.

I have to say that, after this second debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, that President Obama has nothing on Sir Mix-a-Lot. You remember him? He had a famous rap song in the 1990’s “Baby Got Back”, talking about what he appreciates about women. In a way, like Sir Mix-a-Lot, President Obama, in his debate performance, showed that he likes big buts… “I believe in free enterprise as the greatest job creator in history, but…..” “I believe in the second amendment, but…..” “I believe in curbing illegal immigration, but….” “I believe in a balanced budget, but…..” “I believe in developing new energy sources, but…” “My policies have grown this economy, but…..” “I believe in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

No on Prop 37 Campaign Launches New TV Spot “Dr. Green”

The Proposition 37 campaign has released a new television commercial today, that hopefully nails it with voters. I have seen a lot of misguided and terrible ballot measures over the years, but I have trouble thinking of one as lame as this one. While at first glance you think, “Sure I want truth in labeling” for what I buy — you quickly realize that this measure, carefully crafted by both self-interested business interests and trial lawyers — really doesn’t do that at all. If you want to “wonk up” on the myriad of ways this measure sucks, everything you want to know (and don’t want to know) is here. Anyways, here is there latest ad…

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Ron Nehring

Winner: Romney

President Obama is not happy these days, and it’s showing. In the second debate with Mitt Romney last night, Mr. Obama’s bitter, condescending, and generally negative delivery underscores this is a man who has lost control.

After his disastrous performance in the first debate, I told Politico that Mr. Obama was in a tough spot. He would be under pressure to be aggressive to please his base and show them not all is lost, but he risked coming across as angry. And he did.

ROMNEY ANSWERED THE QUESTIONS, OBAMA WENT INTO RHEARSED POINTS. In the town hall format candidates must balance their key message points against a need to respond to the question posed to them by a member of the audience. Mr. Romney’s responses actually answered the questions while Mr. Obama used each question as an excuse to tell a rehearsed story and repeat planned talking points. The intense debate preparation Mr. Obama went through down in Williamsburg was no doubt a great deal of rehearsal delivering scripted responses that were probably tested with focus groups as well.

CNN’S CANDY CROWLEY BLOWS IT WITH ON THE SPOT FACT CHECK. One of Mr. Obama’s most important failures… Read More

Jon Fleischman

*VIDEO* Jon Fleischman v. Kerman Maddox on LA’s KCAL 9 TV

For the second time in two weeks I had the opportunity to appear in-studio at KCAL-9 television in Los Angeles for some post-debate analysis. Last week I did post-Veep debate “spin” with Obama supporter Kerman Maddox, moderated by KCAL’s ace political reporter Dave Bryan. Well, tonight we returned back to the studio to give some post-Presidential debate entertainment to KCAL viewers. You can see an eight-minute “highlights” clip below (our full exchange was over twenty minutes). If this weren’t enough, KCAL has invited us back one last time next Monday night for more of the same… … Read More

Ron Nehring

Even Europe Loses Its Zeal for Barack Obama

Barack Obama’s popularity among European political elites is understandable given their similar views on both domestic and foreign policy and an unfortunate common interest in subjugating America’s role in the world to global institutions like the United Nations.

When I spoke at conferences in Germany and Switzerland in the years immediately following the invasion of Iraq and the removal of Saddam Hussein from power, the anti-American sentiment among European political and some business leaders was overwhelming.

It was no wonder, then, that Europeans would greet Mr. Obama with cheers – literally – as he campaigned for President in 2008. After all, Mr. Obama was given his chance against presumptive nominee Sen. Hillary Clinton as a result of Clinton’s vote in favor of authorizing the Iraq invasion.

Fast forward four years, however, and the zeal for Mr. Obama has diminished. No doubt most Europeans would still favor Mr. Obama over Republican Mitt Romney, but the enthusiasm for Mr. Obama is no longer there.

This was obvious at the 10th International Political Communications Conference hosted by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin this… Read More

Richard Rider

The labor unions’ HUGE, secret political tax loophole

CaliforniaProp 32 would end political payroll deductions for corporations and labor unions. Both sides are spending millions on this measure (with the “no” side — all union money — spending MANY millions MORE against it).

But here’s a point that’s seldom mentioned — even by Prop 32 supporters. Labor union dues are 100% tax deductible — on both federal and California income tax returns. As much as 75% of union dues are used (directly or indirectly) for politics.

Hence unions and their members advocate and contribute with PRE-tax dollars, whereas those contributing voluntarily must use AFTER-tax dollars. It means that about one out of every three labor union dollars spent on politics comes from the taxpayer, thanks to this giveaway. And BTW, this union tax deduction for politics costs federal and state governments BILLIONS of dollars of lost tax revenue annually.

Even corporate payroll deductions for politics (which are voluntary and would be banned under Prop 32) are treated as after-tax dollars. ALL such contributions for politics are not deductible — unless you are a dues-paying labor… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CA Republican Assembly Releases 2012 Legislative Scorecard

I am very pleased to announce that once again the FlashReport has partnered with the California Republican Assembly, the states oldest, conservative Republican organization, to present the debut of the CRA’s annual legislative scorecard! While there are many organizations that produce scorecards, this is the scorecard that, in my mind, provides the greatest insights into the voting patterns of legislators — especially Republican legislators. While many of the bills that are chosen for this scorecard represent some of the most important pieces of legislation voted on this past year, other bills are chosen because they provide insight into the… Read More

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