What Happens if Newsom Wins Recall
We apparently have a governor who never had limits set by his parents while growing up. How do I know this? He told the press that the recall was not “fair.” Every parent I know had a petulant crying child stand in front of them at some point screaming “That is not fair.” In a variety of manners parents told their children “Tough luck kid; life is not fair.” We never expected to have our Governor acting like that. If Governor Newsom somehow survives this recall he will take it out on us because he will be a pouting little child who ultimately got his way.
This column typically stays away from speculation. Yet in this case, it is necessary. Based on watching this Governor who, for over two years has handled himself in a certain manner and will continue in the same manner, will know he can operate for another five years without restrictions.
Newsom seemingly just realized there is a homeless problem in California despite having been our Governor for more than two years. He stated it is unacceptable for homeless to be living on the streets. Thank you, Governor, but we all know that. Instead of restructuring laws that would stop attracting homeless from… Read More