Rohit Joy Announces Candidacy for CA GOP Bay Area Vice Chair
This entry may be a little late to the presses, but I figure better a little late than too late. Anyway, I’m proud to spread the word that my friend Rohit Joy has officially announced his candidacy for California Republican Party Bay Area Vice Chairman. These last few weeks he has been circling the wagons and garnering support from activists, party officials and elected officials. The position of Regional Vice Chair of the CA GOP can sometimes be ceremonial and has a vague job description beyond official party guidelines of standard board positions. Rohit won’t be taking the position lightly, though. As part of his announcement, he’s outlined a plan to broaden the party’s appeal among the “Millennial Generation”—something the CRPdesperatelyneeds. As a member of the Millennial Generation who will be saddled with debt by my government I’m glad Rohit has recognized that others in the Millennial Generation must be approached and informed of the fiscal carnage we will endure unless we elect leaders to address it. The GOP needs to be at the forefront of this reality check if we plan to ever turn young voters toward our… Read More