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Katy Grimes

Assembly Speaker limits press access

As the new legislative session began Monday, there was a quite buzz in the Assembly. But it wasn’t just about the many new lawmakers. A rumor was going around that Democratic Assembly Speaker John Perez had ordered the Capitol Sergeants to prevent reporters from accessing Assembly members in chambers.

Then I saw one longtime reporter standing near the entrance to the Assembly floor, where reporters position themselves if they are waiting to speak to a lawmaker. But the Sergeant told the reporter that he could not speak to lawmakers.

“News reporters will be barred from interviewing legislators in the Assembly chambers under new rules ordered by Speaker John A. Pérez before Monday’s first session of 2013,” Jim Sanders of the Sacramento Bee reported. The prohibition is among several rule changes imposed by Pérez that restrict… Read More

Richard Rider

State legislature to consider giving government workers yet ANOTHER paid holiday

Allow me to summarize the article below. It exemplifies all too well the three stages of CA government thrift:

1. In the 2009 recession, CA state workers lost two holidays that no one honors in the private sector. 2. The next year, the state gave them back the two paid holidays, with the added benefit that they could use them anytime they wished. 3. Now the state legislature will consider restoring one of the two fixed-date holidays “eliminated” (Native American Day), but will continue to give workers their two floating holidays off. BRILLIANT! So now we see how the Democrat Sacramento supermajority is going to prudently spend our Prop 30 tax dollars. I can just see the proposed legislation coming later this year — we need another TAX INCREASE! ============== More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

With New Year, Democrats Step Up For Critical Issue – Paid Holidays For State Workers

Democrat Assemblyman Roger Hernandez, West Covina, has just proposed a bill for State government workers to get yet another paid state holiday. The new “Native American Day” replaces Columbus Day, formerly a holiday for state workers lost during recent budget cuts.

Said Hernandez “This legislation is inspired by the recognition that the so-called discovery of the America’s by Columbus eventually led to the genocide of Native Americans. This bill hence provides the proper respect and recognition to our Native American nations.”

The leftist majority in California just cannot stop solving the pressing problems this state has, can they? Fresh off of celebrating the Passage of Proposition 30, giving us the highest sales and income tax rates in the nation, they are now addressing the CRITICAL issue of paid holidays for State workers. I am so thankful for their vision and courage. It is inspiring to know that the hard working men and women, busily delivering efficient and effective government,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Jim Brulte For Chairman Of The California Republican Party

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While he has not made a formal announcement of his candidacy, it has certainly been much talked about that Jim Brulte, the former leader of both Senate and Assembly Republicans, is seeking the Chairmanship of the California Republican Party. This is great news for the party, and for conservatives in California. I am very excited to endorse his candidacy, and will work hard not only to see that he is elected, but look forward to doing what I can to help make sure that under his leadership the CRP is successful.

Let me start out from the outset by making it very clear — Jim Brulte is a solid conservative. Whether you look at issues of taxation and regulation, freedom and liberty, the sanctity of human life, or the importance of the traditional family, Jim is a stalwart Republican. He firmly opposed Prop. 14 and believes in a strong, vibrant political party system. But you don’t have to take my word for it — he’s got a voting record well over a decade long to attest to his conservative credentials. When you talk with Jim, you will find that he does not believe that Republicans are losing market-share in California because of these policy… Read More

Katy Grimes

Pravda laughs at American global warming hysteria

Imagine my surprise when I found an article in Pravda mocking Western academics, scientists, environmentalists and government elites for using the cause célèbre of “man-made global warming” as a way to “control the lives and behaviors of their populations.”

“Now, with their economies in a spiral of debt laden, non-manufacturing recession (if not out and out depression), the Elites, who sense they are loosing their grip or toe hold on key economic regions outside their home regions, are once… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Why I Voted Against the Fiscal Cliff “Deal”

You may be wondering why you did not hear from me during the last few weeks of the “fiscal cliff” machinations in Washington. For one thing, I figured that many of you were enjoying the holidays with your families and friends and did not want me to interrupt that with depressing news. Additionally, however, things were moving so fast that anything I wrote you would have been obsolete by the time you read it. I had about a dozen “laptops” in my head each day, but, by the time I sat down to write them, the circumstances had already changed.

Well, unless you were abducted by aliens or have just gotten back from your Mayan end-of-the-world worship ceremony in South America, you know about the deal that was passed by the Senate and the House on New Year’s Day. To say I didn’t like the “deal” would be to understate the case. I hated it.

I don’t want to raise taxes. That feeling is not driven by a pledge, as many liberals would like to argue in order to portray we conservatives as the mindless lemmings that some of said liberals are. I think that having the federal government take roughly 20% of all the production of the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Some Advice For GOP Legislators As Session Begins

As the new legislative session starts, as Republican legislators, you find yourself in the unenviable position of being at “super-minority” status for at least the next two years. Could it be longer? You bet. Could it get worse? Go ahead and Google search the partisan makeup of the legislatures in Hawaii or Massachusetts. Below I would like to offer ten pieces of advice if you would like play a role in achieving significant gains in GOP held Senate and Assembly seats in 2014.

Job #1 – The Loyal Opposition. Jon Coupal of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association pens an entire column on this in the FlashReport today. No matter what committee you are in, and especially on the floor, take it to the Democrats. Be forceful, and be clear that the policies they are putting forward are bad for the people of California. Emboldened by their gains, Democrats will over-reach. You’re job is to call them on it — every day — loudly.

Partisan Politics Is A Team Sport: Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Joining The 113th Congress

As you all have been following, this week was the minting of the new Congress of which I have the incredible-to-me honor and experience of joining from up here in the 1st District of NorCal. Eight years in our California legislature have and will be a tremendous baseline to work and learn from and indeed have helped me so far not to be TOO wide eyed and staring like a tourist at the tall buildings. That said, the deep feeling I get walking these halls and having a voice and vote in shaping our nation’s, and even world, policyand doing so as one takes in the names, the statues, the memorials to those great names that so honorablyput our system of governing in place is very heady stuff for this country boy. No doubt I take it very seriously to do all I can to upholdthe course the Founders have set and I see has been deviated from somuch in the way government has grown and overreached.

We have a huge task. Taking the oath of office on the House Floor, with my family nearbyor in the gallery and so many friends watching at our Cannon office and at home is an irreplaceable moment and memory. I have my member pin, #400 in seniority and my Floor voting… Read More

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